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Tauren Jokes Never Get Old

The Queue: When you come up with a mechanic

So I run a few D&D games for the folks here at Blizzard Watch — and maybe I could run one for y’all someday, who knows, I’m eyeing a Pathfinder 2e campaign lately — and recently, while blatantly stealing Blackwing Lair and making it the end dungeon of the current campaign storyline, I came up with a new mechanic for the Razorgore fight.

Well, technically, it’s not the Razorgore fight because I’m not that basic, but it is a fight involving Dragon Eggs in an ancient fortress of dragonkind, so anyway, close enough for what I’m about. But the mechanic I came up with as a lair action is so much fun, I’m really looking forward to seeing how the players respond to it.

Anyway, howdy. Lets queue this.

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