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The Queue: Heterodoxy and Uchronia

I really worry sometimes that I’m reflexively at odds with whatever seems to me the most popular or prevailing attitude about things in a reflexive manner. Opposing things simply because other people believe them is no better than embracing them simply because everyone else does, after all. Your opinions should be the result of time and rumination, not simply to be contrary. I’ve often been opposed to nostalgia and group thinks, but I see others out in the world today being reflexively opposed to things that are, by and large, so overwhelmingly true that one has to really go through mental gymnastics to disbelieve them, and I never want to be like that.

Heterodoxy shouldn’t be habitual, after all. It leads to rejecting popular ideas simply because they are popular, and not based on their relative merits or lack thereof, something I would not want to indulge in.

It’s early in the morning and I’ve got my playlist of writing music on repeat, so let’s do this. Let’s Queue this? That feels kind of corny.

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