Warcraft Movie Lore
Warcraft novelization a must-read for movie fans
I'm not usually one to read novelizations of movies -- after all, I can usually get what I'm after from watching the movie.
Breakfast Topic: Who was your favorite character from the Warcraft movie?
I have a confession to make: I went to the Warcraft movie fully expecting that I wasn't going to like Garona at all.
Know Your Lore: The Warcraft movie and canon lore
As we gear up for the Warcraft movie — there are just a few short weeks to go for American audiences, and even less time for international viewers — gamers are still wondering just how it fits into the RTS and MMO story we already know.
Know Your Lore: Warcraft: Durotan and the Warcraft movie
Forget everything you ever knew about Warcraft.
Warcraft: The Official Prequel Novel now available for pre-order
In the spirit of the incoming Warcraft movie, best-selling author Christie Golden's newest novel has become available for preorder through Amazon.
Know Your Lore: Warcraft and the First War
It was the spark that ignited a fire that continues to burn to this day -- something that actually ended up working in the Burning Legion's favor, whether they realized it or not at the time.