Weekly Quests
How do you keep track of your World of Warcraft tasks?
There's so much to do in The War Within that you'll never accomplish anything without a reliable way to keep track of your progress.
Your weekly activity checklist for The War Within Season 1
There's so much to do with each weekly reset in The War Within that it can get a bit confusing, especially for returning or casual players.
The play (and the loot) is the thing at the Proscenium — how to complete the Theater Troupe world event
With the way that the Earthen on the Isle of Dorn portray themselves as efficiency-maximizing task machines, one might think that they don't have much in the way of culture.
Hearthstone weekly quests made EASIER to complete than before, and the XP increase remains
Community feedback (and outrage) works sometimes: the Hearthstone team has not only fully reverted the weekly quest changes that had made the community livid, they've actually made those quests better than they were before those nerfs.