Wow Rp
Role Play: Race change and roleplay
Anyone can pay for a race change in World of Warcraft, if you're looking for a change of scenery.
Role Play: Roleplaying a hero
Roleplaying a hero is something that initially sounds easy, but in Warcraft, things are never quite as easy as they seem.
Role Play: How to encourage new roleplayers
If you've been roleplaying for years, chances are you've encountered new roleplayers before -- people who have obviously not tried to roleplay before, whether they didn't have the chance to, or if they're new to the game.
Role Play: Starting over with a roleplay character
Just because you roll a certain class and make a raiding main, it doesn't mean you're obligated to stick with that main.
Role Play: Finding a roleplaying guild
Roleplaying is pretty much a social activity.
Role Play: Roleplaying combat
Conflict is one of those things that comes up often in roleplay.
Role Play: Choosing the right name for your character
One of the first things a roleplayer tends to think about when creating a new character is just what that character should be called.