The Queue: Paaaaatch 6.2

It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for this, and yet, like it’s happening incredibly soon. The expansion came out in November of last year, and we’re looking to potentially be on its finally patch by June/July of the following? It’s so outside of my usual experience with World of Warcraft and its patches that I don’t even know what to do. I’m torn is what I’m saying.
Let’s talk about your questions, that will take my mind off of patch 6.2.
Wow, you guys love to debate the back and forth of Tyrande and Malfurion’s marriage. That’s a box of wet cats I have no interest in sticking my arm into.
Didn’t Baros Alexston have a bit of dialogue when you clicked on him where he talked about Lieutenant Thorn and how he was all into her? Cause if you click on him now, he talks about his assistant (Brightstone) and Lieutenant Thorn now asks if Baros has asked about her and then she blushes. Is this how it’s always been, or is this new?
It’s been there for a while. There are spoilers behind what happens, so… you’ve been warned.
Spoiler alert engaged. Nuclear spoiler detected.
Baros and Lt. Thorn are indeed sweet on each other. Sadly, when the Burning Blade attack, Baros steps between Lt. Thorn and a dagger meant for her, and dies in her arms. So let this be a lesson to you – if you like someone, tell them. Don’t be a creep about it, and if they don’t like you back, back off gracefully and leave them alone. But tell them. Especially if they’re a werewolf and you’re an architect.
This applies to everyone, but especially to werewolves and architects.
I very much agree about the gnomes needing more development. I don’t necessarily agree about the night elves and Cataclysm (seeing Darkshore like that stuck with me) but yeah, absolutely it’s long past time for us to see the gnomes getting some love.
I once wrote a What If proposal entitled Cult of the Mechanical which talked about how the gnomes have the potential for all sorts of new and interesting story beats – the discovery of the mechagnomes and how the Curse of Flesh transformed them into the gnomes we know today (thanks to Gearmaster Mechazod) and how the gnomes suddenly discovered enough spirituality to become priests shortly after that revelation has always cried out for a story in my opinion. Gnomes are tenacious, technically brilliant and incredibly resourceful – I’d love to see a gnomish hero rise to the forefront of the Alliance’s military in some way.
Gnomes definitely need someone to start coming along and connecting all of these fascinating lore dots – how they’re fighting to reclaim Gnomeregan, how they discovered their origins, their relationship to beings like Mimiron (wouldn’t it be great if Mimiron came to Gnomeregan and helped the gnomes reclaim it?) – there’s a lot you could do with gnomes. We need more gnomes.
So I had a realization last night, I enjoy watching people play hearthstone more than I do playing the game myself. I do like playing quite a bit but something about watching others thought processes play out is compelling.
So q4tq – Is that happening to anyone else?
I only ever interact with Hearthstone by watching my wife play it. I’ve gotten to the point where I know what cards she’s dropping just by the sound effect. It’s soothing.
So, next raid is full of demons. No Burning Legion expansion then?
Potentially not, but then again, the Iron Horde was a lot like the True Horde, wasn’t it? Same gadgets, same basic aesthetic, a bunch of orcs in both cases. If you looked at Siege of Orgrimmar and said “Huh, this raid’s full of orcs, I guess no orcs next expansion, huh?” you’d end up very, very wrong. So we’ll see. There being a lot of demons in Hellfire Citadel could mean we end up with a ton of demons next expansion.
Q4TQ: We joke about NPC kill-steals in the game, but which one do you wish had happened? One of the queue authors mentioned Garona in Bastion of Twilight a few weeks back.
I’d have laughed really hard if Jaina had shown up and just pyroblasted the heck out of Garrosh at the end of SoO.
Okay, that’s the Queue for today. Lt. Thorn, I feel your pain.
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At least the Night Elves vigorously defended their lands and had loads of story development during Cata with the defense of Hyjal and the Molten Front and the Firelands. That’s a lot more than the long suffering Gnomes can say.
Blizzard added Gnomes to WoW last minute just so they could add another Horde race, and have done nothing with them since. I understand that there was no time then, but come on its been over ten YEARS now. Cut us some slack.
If any race or faction leader is crying out for more development time its Gnomes.