The Queue: My favorite Diablo legendary

Today’s Queue is brought to you by our very own Megan O’Neill, who asked me a question I wanted to answer. Since this was a right helpful thing for her to have done, I will now do the answering.
What’s your favorite D3 legendary (item or set) to use on your barbarian?
My favorite legendary set for my barbarian are the Bul-Kathos’ Oath set, screenshotted above in their level 70 version. The set bonuses for using both of them are amazing for my preferred high-Whirlwind build, and at least up to Torment II (the highest I really go, since I’m pretty casual about D3) they deal out crazy damage with that extra Holy for added pain. With these equipped I literally just spin around all bloody day. It’s super fun.
QftQ: What exactly is going on in the new, WoD revamp version of Blackfathom Deeps? We’ve been reduced to one quest, Akumai is still alive but now he’s a weird hydra thing with Ozumat-style tentacles wandering around throughout the dungeon. New twilight people seem to be there, there’s something weird going on with the murlocs, etc.
Aku’mai simply got a model upgrade, that’s all. She now shares the same model as Megaera from Throne of Thunder, and the tentacles are merely a sign of the Old God’s favor, since Aku’mai was a favored minion and pet of said Old Gods.
Basically, following Deathwing’s defeat, the Twilight’s Hammer is in a pretty sorry state. They lost a lot of their strongest members (from Cho’gall to Warmaster Blackhorn and Hagara) and so, coming to Blackfathom Deeps and clustering around a powerful servitor of their unfathomable masters is as close to a sensible plan as one can really expect from them. Essentially, this is them licking their wounds and lying low until they can build up their strength and try and destroy the world again. As you can see, the Old Gods themselves consider Aku’mai to be a herald for their ultimate triumph.
As for the murlocs, even the Twilight’s Hammer hates murlocs. Subjugator Kor’ul killed Gelihast and seized control of the other murlocs in the area for the Hammer.
QFTQ: What are the chances of an evil void-state Velen coming back as the final boss of WoD?
Probably not great. They’d get very slightly better if we found out there would be another patch after 6.2. It’s pretty unambiguous that the Velen of Draenor died, giving up his very existence to return K’ara to her light state, but never say never, right?
Q4tQ in honor of Mr. Rossi: What would happen if dinosaurs fought cowboys?
Bunch of dead cowboys.
Q4tQ: My question relates to Anne’s Queue yesterday, regarding Vol’jin and the concessions to the Alliance: What are the odds that Blizz may revert the 1-60 zones to pre-Cata conditions? As stated, all of the affect of Deathwing occurred 5 years ago and have no bearing on the game today. To me, instead of having changes made to reflect Vol’jin as warchief, revert it back to the way it was before Cata.
There is absolutely no chance of that happening.
F0r one thing, they redesigned those zones. One of the things that isn’t readily apparent when playing the game now is, back when WoW came out, there were a ton of visual shortcuts that were used to make the appearance of a three dimensional game world, tricks and cheats that only work when you can’t fly over and examine the game world from every angle. That’s why flight paths were so limited, because they took paths that didn’t let you see (as an example) that Stormwind Keep was lacking a lot of walls if viewed from the wrong angle.
Now, could they redesign the zones again to indicate that years have passed and some or all of Deathwing’s damage has been repaired? Yes, if they wanted to. It’s a massive undertaking and one that would take up a lot of time and development, but it’s possible. But just rolling back to pre-Cataclysm is not even remotely feasible. When they did the Tarren Mill vs. Southshore battleground for last year’s WoW anniversary, they couldn’t just import the old zones, they had to recreate them.
And that’s The Queue for today. I’ll see y’all Friday, I hope.
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