Breakfast Topic: How do you feel about the patch 6.2 Q&A?

This weekend, Ion “Watcher” Hazzikostas hopped on Twitch to answer people’s questions regarding patch 6.2 and more. If you missed it, you can catch the entire Q&A over on World of Warcraft‘s YouTube channel. I have to admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this one — I wasn’t sure if we were going to get some carefully picked, not-too-harsh questions, or if it was solely going to focus on patch 6.2 content, or if any of the various critiques of Warlords were going to be addressed, or just glossed over. And I found myself unexpectedly surprised by both the quality of the questions chosen, and the answers.
Hazzikostas didn’t mince words, answered everything that was tossed his way — although admittedly some questions were more eloquently answered than others — and flat-out addressed a lot of the concerns that I’d been having, along with concerns other players had been having. And while the game as it stands right now isn’t really in what I’d personally call a Blizzard-worthy state, if nothing else I came away from the Q&A with the distinct impression that yes, they are listening to us. And they do understand why we’ve been saying what we’re saying — that our criticism isn’t unwarranted, and we aren’t shouting into a void.
That made me feel a lot better. At the same time, I find myself wishing we had more contact like this — but hey, I’ll take what I can get, for now. What did you guys think about the Q&A? Did you come out of it feeling a little better about the game? Do you wish it had been longer than an hour? Are there questions you wish had been answered? Do you think Blizzard should do more of these events?
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