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DiscussionJun 19, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: What are the best quests you’ve seen?

On yesterday’s WoW leveling stream, we managed to do something pretty rare — we found a quest I’d almost completely forgotten about. If you haven’t leveled through Felwood, I suggest you do so particularly for the quest pictured above. It’s been so long since I played through the Cataclysm revamp content that I’d almost totally forgotten about the quest that sends you off to scare a truckload of imps … with beautiful rainbows.

This one has all the things I love: it’s quick, it’s relatively painless, there’s an unexpected gag, and the reward is something really, really cool. I’d been wanting to take everyone through Felwood for the story content in the middle of the zone, but man — I totally forgot about the imps. There are several quests like these scattered throughout the 1-60 experience, but I’m wondering how many more I’d all but forgotten about?

With that in mind, what are some of the best quests you guys have ever seen? What are the quests that you actively look for on alts, just because they were so much fun the first time around? If you’ve got anything from level 50 upward, maybe we’ll track it down on the leveling stream too, and share the entertainment!

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