World of Warcraft hotfixes for July 21

A short batch of hotfixes for patch 6.2 have just been released and posted to the official blog. All we’ve got today are a few class changes for Paladins, Priests and Warlocks, as well as a couple of other small changes. Please note that hotfixes listed as in-testing on yesterday’s list are now live for the US region, and an update for Enhancement was added to yesterday’s list — Stormstrike damage has been increased by 30%. Read on for the full list of hotfixes.
Originally Posted by Rygarius (Official Post)
July 21
- Tier-18 2-piece set bonus for Protection Paladins‘ Avenger’s Reprieve effect no longer stacks and will refresh the duration of the effect instead.
- Fixed an issue that caused Hammer of the Righteous to often hit the primary target twice instead of damaging one of the secondary targets.
- Fixed an issue where the damage increase in a hotfix from June 26 for Repudiation of War was not working correctly.
- Felhunter should now correctly require line-of-sight with its target to use the Spell Lock ability. Previously, it was incorrectly using line-of-sight with the Warlock instead.
Naval Missions
- Black Market Journal: This naval mission should now have the correct blockade prerequisite for Barrier Sea.
- Filling the Ranks: Tracking for progress towards completing the achievement should now be working correctly.
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