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DiscussionJul 25, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Hellfire Peninsula is weird now

Part of it seems to be just general bugginess. For instance, there’s a quest that requires you to go kill fel orcs, then trap their spirits and kill those. That quest was always a weird experience, but now, for whatever reason the orcs take only 10% physical damage, making them an unbearable slog to kill. Even on my ridiculously OP Brewmaster Monk, it was like pulling teeth to kill these guys.

But that’s not the only weirdness. Oh my no. That’s just the tip of the strange iceberg.

For instance, quests are so spread out, and often to get all the quests for a certain part of the zone you have to go to two or three quest hubs. I had to find the goblin with the crashed airship, go to the Temple of Telhamat, and only then could I go to the voidwalkers. Likewise, you need to find the Cenarion Expedition outpost and the goblins to get all the quests for hellboars. Sometimes in order to unlock a quest giver you have to leave the zone entirely, go back to Azeroth, and buy beer from a guy in Nethergarde Keep (thankfully the zone doesn’t phase out for us lower level types) which nowadays means taking a portal back to Stormwind, finding out the portal to the Blasted Lands isn’t there for you for some reason or another, then flying back to Nethergarde.

It’s possible that I’m just used to the much smoother quest flow of post-Cataclysm zones, but Hellfire really feels just ridiculous. Admittedly it doesn’t help that I spent levels 59 to 65 in the zone, thanks to the Monk XP bonus daily and a full set of heirlooms, making it feel like I’d been doomed to do the entire expansion in Hellfire. (Yes, I know I could have left. I’m a completionist, it’s my own fault, I own it.) The zone needs some TLC — remove quests that send you out of the zone and consolidate some of the quest givers so you don’t have to travel to two or tree hubs to get all the quests for a certain area.

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