Patch 6.2.2 PTR patch notes updated with new flight-based rewards and more

More patch notes hit the PTR in advance of next Tuesday’s launch of patch 6.2.2, which introduces flying to Draenor. In addition to tweaked Horde racial abilities, new toys and Warlock ability nerfs in PVP comes a few features tied to flight.
In the Tanaan Jungle, new elite mobs that can only be accessed from the air will be introduced. New drops from these mobs include new Crashin’ Thrashin’ toys and the Spike-Toed Booterang. In Nagrand, new elite mobs that require flight to be found will drop new Manafiend battle pets.
If you’re into Bonus Events, those are now going to start earlier, on Wednesday, to give you more time to complete them.
Check out the latest updates to the PTR patch notes below.
World of Warcraft Patch 6.2.2 PTR
Updated: August 25, 2015
Events and World Environment (New Section)
Bonus Events
- Bonus Events now begin earlier in the week on Wednesday. End date remains the same so there’s now more time to complete the bonus event! Check the in-game calendar for new start times of each bonus event.
In-Game World Events
- A number of improvements and new additions have been made to the Hallow’s End and Feast of Winter Veil world events.
Zones, Creatures, and NPCs
Tanaan Jungle
- Go beyond the dark portal on a flying mount to find three new rare elite Bleeding Hollow orcs that have a chance of dropping one of three new Crashin’ Thrashin’ toys.
- Behind the doors of the outdoors version of Hellfire Citadel awaits a new rare elite with a special drop for world PvP enthusiasts, the Spike-Toed Booterang.
- Soar above the skies of Nagrand and explore the outdoors version of Highmaul and battle with three new rare elite ogres for a chance at one of three arcane-infused Manafiend battle pets.
Toy Box (New Section)
- A Darkmoon Seesaw is now available from the Darkmoon Faire.
- Cursed Feather of Ikzan has been added to the Toy Box.
- Safari Hat has been added to the Toy Box.
- Shard of Archstone has been added to the Toy Box.
- Throbbing Blood Orb has been added to the Toy Box.
- A new events coordinator can now be found in level 3 garrisons. Visit the coordinator during Hallow’s End or Feast of Winter Veil to obtain garrison decorations that are usable all year round!
UI (New Section)
- Target marker icons have been disabled in public chat channels.
- There is now an option to disable Adventure Guide alerts in the Interface options menu, under display settings.
- A new achievement has been added for collecting 300 mounts, Lord of the Reins. Completing the achievement awards a mount, the Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent.
- A new achievement has been added for collecting 200 toys, Crashin’ Thrashin’ Commander. Completing the achievement awards the title, “Crashin’ Thrashin’”.
Racial Abilities
Blood Elf
- Arcane Torrent
now Silences all enemies in an 8 yard radius for 3 seconds (up from 2 seconds), andnow has a reduced cooldown of 1.5 minutes (down from 2 minutes).
- War Stomp
now stuns enemies for 3 seconds (up from 2 seconds), andnow has a reduced cooldown of 1.5 minutes (down from 2 minutes), and cast time is no longer increased by damage (via spell pushback).
- Touch of the Grave now scales its damage based on 50% of the character’s Attack Power or Spell Power, whichever is greater.
Warlock (New Section)
- General
- Corruption now deals 10% less damage in PvP combat.
- Affliction
- Agony now deals 10% less damage in PvP combat.
- Unstable Affliction now deals 10% less damage in PvP combat.
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