World of Warcraft hotfixes for September 2

A small set of patch 6.2.2 hotfixes have been released and posted to the official blog. It’s a short list, but PVP should take note that winning an Arena Skirmish match will now reward you with 40 Honor Points and 25 Conquest Points, up from 20 Honor Points — and Mercenary Mode should now only be available to level 100 characters, although this hotfix is still currently listed as in testing. Players taking to the seas or sky between Tanaan Jungle and Ashran should also no longer find themselves suddenly disconnected. Read on for the full list of hotfixes.
Originally Posted by Rygarius (Official Post)
September 2
Raids and Dungeons
Siege of Orgrimmar
- Spoils of Pandaria
- Spoils of Pandaria can now be started by 1 player (down from 5) on Raid Finder difficulty.
- Winning an Arena Skirmish match now award 40 Honor Points and 25 Conquest Points (up from 20 Honor Points). Skirmishes continue to award bonus Honor if a match goes on for an extended period of time.
- [Hotfix in testing] Mercenary Mode is now only available to level-100 characters.
Bug Fixes
- A number of Gnomish NPCs should no longer be unfashionably early in dressing up for Feast of Winter Veil.
- Fixed an issue with a patch of ocean between Tanaan Jungle and Ashran that could cause characters to disconnect if they fly or swim over it.
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