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HearthstoneSep 8, 2015 3:00 pm CT

The World’s Longest Hearthstone Turn: Dreadsteed edition

Remember the world’s longest Hearthstone turn back from March? There’s another potential setup here but it doesn’t quite come close to that record.

The Grand Tournament continues to impress with the rather interesting collection of new cards. Aside from Murloc Knight, our own Alex Ziebart happens to be quite fascinated with Dreadsteed, a Warlock card that just keeps coming back. You can watch it in action here with this 16-minute long turn on Hearthstone as Knife Juggler and Dreadsteed combine forces. You see, when the 1-health Dreadsteed dies, it returns to play. The Knife Juggler randomly flings a knife for 1 damage to a random opposing character (including the hero) when a new minion enters play.

I’m sure you can see where this is going.

This leads to an endless cycle of recurring Dreadsteeds coming back to life and dying… which in this case is made even worse by the addition of Baron Rivendare who makes the Dreadsteed trigger its Deathrattle twice, so for each death two more are summoned. The only way this can end is if one of the heroes themselves (or the opposing Knife Juggler) are the targets of the knives resulting in their defeat.

Naturally the odds of that happening are one in… uh, a lot, depending on how many Dreadsteeds you’ve managed to collect so far.

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