The Queue: Spoony bards

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
I really miss the Pandaren shrines. It was a nice place for getting things done, there were usually a lot of people there, but mostly I miss the Pandaren NPC on Alliance side that would play a song for some gold. We don’t really have anything like that in Warlords, although I suppose a world on the brink of being torn apart isn’t really concerned with snappy tunes, right? Speaking of bards…let’s get to the questions.
Question: Will the artifact weapon in Legion kill the dual spec?
Not at all. Blizzard has already said they’ll be a catch up mechanic for alternate specs. If anything, it makes dual spec a little easier, because you only have to worry about getting one weapon, rather than constantly searching for upgraded weapons for a spec you might not really use all that often.
Q4tQ: Is there something particularly special about Draenor vis-a-vis what happens when you die versus on Azeroth? It seems like the souls of the dead not only stick around, but are able to interact in a major way (e.g. Admiral Taylor and Amn running garrison missions, Maraad testing Yrel). Do you think their souls are bound now to Draenor, unable to, say, head back to their homeworld or transcend as they might on Azeroth.
It’s kind of interesting to look at, but I’m not sure if it really adds up — there are ghosts and spirits on Azeroth, too, after all. The whole idea of the afterlife in World of Warcraft is a really nebulous kind of thing. There’s evidence of souls transcending or ascending to somewhere “better,” there’s spirits that help us, like Uther and Terenas in Icecrown Citadel, there’s angry spirits, there’s demons that just get chucked back to the Twisting Nether…it’s very convoluted. It’s one of those things that I don’t really look at very closely, just because it doesn’t seem like there are any real clear definitions as to what can and cannot happen after you die — it’s deliberately left fairly wide-open.
QFTQ: If you could add a spec to an already existing class, what would it be, and why?
I’d still like to see some kind of tank-equivalent rogue spec that involves a lot of dodging. Nothing that would let them say, take the place of a main tank in a raid, but something that would let them survive long enough to take some hits (or dodge some hits) as an off-tank would be fun. The main reason I’m saying this is that rogues don’t really have a whole lot of utility beyond “stab things a lot” in raids — they do bring the DPS, but they still don’t exactly bring a lot beyond that.
So how do new non-hero classes get thru a entire expansion with no weapons? Hold on to whatever the last drop in Draenor was (will we even do Nagrand, or Arak, once Legion goes live?) and hope it doesn’t gimp you too badly? Imagine doing WoD with a 86 questing green, while everyone else has a 96 Draenor blue
I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking here, because there are plenty of weapons to be had on Draenor, and once you hit Legion, you’ll be picking up an artifact weapon shortly after that. It’s not a situation where you don’t get your artifact weapon until level 110, you get it at the beginning and it grows with you, from my understanding of what we’ve heard so far. So there’s not really going to be a point where you’re going through an entire expansion with no weapons.
QftQ: Is there anything that has been implemented or taken away that is a major factor in why you’re still playing? Is there anything that could be implemented or taken away in the future that would make you consider throwing in the towel?
Every time they have introduced something that has eased the bag space problem, I’ve been ridiculously happy. I’m one of those collector types in games — I find it kind of difficult to just vendor things or toss things aside. Sometimes it’s because I’ve found a piece of gear that I find particularly pretty, or sometimes it’s a piece of gear or an item that has some kind of sentimental attachment surrounding it. It is, admittedly, an odd habit, but I can’t really help it.
The transmog system updates they’re talking about implementing in Legion should theoretically solve my bag space woes for good, and I’m really thankful for that — gear is the primary culprit when it comes to my space issues. Honestly, the only thing that would make me even consider “throwing in the towel” is if they ditched the story altogether, and considering how much work they’ve poured into that over the years, I don’t think that’s very likely.
Q4tQ: I’m a ranged/caster at heart, but all of the new classes have been either melee/tank (DK) or melee/healer hybrids (monk). The new one coming up is a melee/tank hybrid (DH). Do you think we’re about about due for a new ranged/caster class? Given that mage/’lock/hunter/boomkin/elemental seems to cover all bases, what possibilities even exist for a new caster type?
Personally, I’d love to see a “support/control caster”, someone who filters their DPS through others, and has just absurd amounts of control over the battle. That’d be hell to play solo though, and would just wreck pvp.
I really want to see a Bard class. Or something along those lines. Some kind of ranged class that works through buffing/debuffing, rather than direct damage. You could even implement some kind of tri-spec system with it, with each spec handling buffs for tanks/healers/DPS specifically. I don’t know if people would really get into a class that doesn’t pump out numbers through direct damage or healing, though — but I still think it’d be an interesting challenge to play, and something we’ve never really had or seen in game before.
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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