The Queue: I need a ghost raven mount
Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
I finally managed to get the Talon Queen title, and on my flight back to my garrison I flew over an area in Talador that threw a ghostly effect on my character. I don’t think I’ve ever taken that particular flight path before, because the suddenly ghostly raven isn’t something I ever recall seeing before. However, I kind of want one as an actual mount now. The level of detail on that model is way more apparent with a transparency applied. I don’t think it’ll ever happen, but it made for a pretty screenshot anyway. On to the questions!
What World of Warcraft area would you like to see in Heroes of the Storm? I think that Ironforge is already set up like an arena. A quarter of the city could periodically “activate”, and capturing it would have different benefits (stronger minions from the War Quarter, cheaper skills from the mystic quarter, something random from Tinkertown).
Oh man Ironforge would be great, especially if they added a dropdown to Old Ironforge for the heck of it and put something cool down there. But you know what I’d like to see? Once upon a time in vanilla, there was an old map for what looked like an Azshara battleground that never made it to live servers. Seeing that ported over to Heroes and made into a real map would be pretty fun, I think.
How did Illidan, Maiev, and the Naga manage to enter the Tomb of Sargeras if it was warded against Azerothians?
It’s entirely likely that when Gul’dan went tromping in there and rustled up the demonic guardians that tore him apart, it broke the wards that Aegwynn placed on the tomb. That’s never been officially confirmed, but it seems like the most logical reason.
How would Demons, let alone an avatar of Sargeras end up in Northrend hunting Dragons? It’s not like they can just waltz in any time, don’t they have to be summoned?
I’m answering this question too because it’s a really good question, and it’s also a question that we don’t really have an answer for. What we do know is that it was some kind of hunting party that was stalking the dragons up there, and Aegwynn went to take it out. After the demons had been defeated, a giant storm erupted, and that’s when the Avatar of Sargeras appeared. It could be that the hunting party was in the midst of summoning the avatar, and using the dragons to fuel the spell, or it could be that the whole thing was a gigantic set-up. This is one of those stories I kind of wish we’d get a comic or a short story about, because I think it would clear up a lot about Medivh, his mother, Sargeras, and what exactly happened there. We might see more about it in the upcoming Chronicle book that’s due out next year.
Q4tQ! If you could kill an annoying questgiver instead of completing the quest, who would you want that Q-giver to be? For a long time, it was Staghelm with the Morrowgrain quests. Now… well, I can think of any number of Malfurion quests that wouldn’t end well for Old Antlerhead…
Gorbold Steelhand. It’s years and years and years later, and the quest has long since been removed, but I will never forgive him for Deep Ocean, Vast Sea. Ever.
SC2 and SC2:HotS are both on sale for $10. Are they worth picking up if you kinda suck at RTS?
Yes! The single-player campaigns really aren’t that bad, and the story is awesome. Even if you don’t usually get into RTS titles, it’s worth a playthrough, no multiplayer required at all.
Q4tQ: How do I start the questline to Pandaria with a recently-boosted character?
Those first introductory quests are auto-completed for boosted characters, so you can’t complete them. But you should be able to take the portal to Pandaria — it’s in the Valley of Honor for Horde players, near the Auction House. For Alliance players, it’s near the Eastern Earthshrine, near where all the Cataclysm zone portals are at. If you don’t see portals in either of those areas, try checking the Hero’s Call board to see if there’s a quest to send you to Pandaria there.
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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