World of Warcraft hotfixes for Sept 30

A new batch of hotfixes for World of Warcraft‘s patch 6.2.2a have just been released and posted to the official blog. Today’s list includes a fairly substantial number of changes to various Hellfire Citadel encounters both on Normal and Raid Finder difficulties. Please note, however, that while the tuning changes are currently already live for the EU and Asia regions, other regions will need a realm restart for the changes to take effect. In addition, the ability to sell a number of Brewfest items back to the Brewfest vendor has been added. Read on for the full list of hotfixes.
September 30
- Added the ability to sell a number of Brewfest items back to the Brewfest vendor that could not be sold back previously.
Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
Note that the following tuning changes to Hellfire Citadel are currently live for the EU and Asia regions. Other regions will require a realm restart for the changes to take effect.
- Kilrogg Deadeye
- Kilrogg Deadeye’s Heart Seeker now deals damage and spawns globules only against the target of the ability on Normal Difficulty.
- Significantly reduced the health of Blood Globule and Fel Blood Globule on Normal Difficulty.
- Hellfire High Council
- Reduced the damage of Dia Darkwhisper’s Wailing Horrors by 30% on Normal difficulty.
- Gorefiend
- Gorefiend no longer uses Shared Fate on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
- Gorebound Construct’s Hunger for Life now only affects the fixated target on Normal difficulty.
- Tyrant Velhari
- Aura of Oppression in stage one and Aura of Contempt in stage two of the encounter now increases its effect over time more slowly on Normal difficulty.
- Xhul’horac
- Wild Pyromaniac’s Fel Orb no longer creates patches of Chaotic Felblaze if it fails to impact a player on Normal and Raid Finder difficulty.
- Unstable Voidfiend’s Volatile Voidstep no longer spreads Creeping Void if the explosion contacts any players on Normal and Raid Finder difficulty.
- Archimonde
- Archimonde no longer uses Wrought Chaos on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
- Nether Portals created by Nether Banish no longer summon Living Shadows on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
- Ancient Artifact now increases maximum health by 25% (down from 100%).
Mercenary Mode
- Fixed an issue where Druids could incorrectly retain shapeshifted visuals for the opposite faction upon leaving a Battleground match.
- Fragment of the Dark Star should now only trigger its effects in combat.
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