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The QueueNov 1, 2015 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Boop

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

The above image is even funnier if you imagine Gul’dan’s voice actor saying “boop.” Side note: It’s kind of weird that the eyeballs of all these past chieftains were inexplicably preserved. I mean…does Draenor have formaldehyde? Because I kind of assume eyeballs just…decay over time into nothing at all. Or maybe, you know, it’s just magic and I probably shouldn’t question these things. Instead, I’ll answer your questions!


Any chance “Legion” will feature a remodel of the old Draenor, same way Cataclysm brought us the new Azeroth? Maybe adding some new, undiscovered areas?

Nope. Blizzard is done revamping old-world content, last we heard, so we won’t see an Outland revamp.


Is there a way to search for podcasts and stuff on twitch? I punch “view all recent”, and a bunch of old stuff shows up.

Twitch only archives broadcasts for 7 days, so you aren’t going to find any really old podcasts on there. We’ve been pretty good about keeping caught up with releasing podcasts every week however, and since most podcasts involve Alex staring at a fire for an hour, getting the audio is just as good as getting the video, really. Unless you’re looking for uncut podcasts — the uncut recordings of the podcasts are available as one of the Tier 1 perks for supporters on Patreon. A dollar a month gets you the uncut shows, and you get Lore Watch a week early, too!


Q4tQ: So it looks like in Legion we’ll learn about how the val’kyr come from vrykul heaven and the kvaldir from vrykul hell. Do you think this will retcon the Ask CDev answer about how the kvaldir were a vrykul tribe that were cursed by an unknown entity when seeking relief from the curse of flesh?

For those wondering about that answer, this is from Ask a CDev round 4:

Long ago, tribes of vrykul were scattered across ancient northern Kalimdor. One tribe in particular struggled against a terrible malaise that ravaged its people. Combating this affliction, this “curse of flesh,” all but consumed the tribe. After exhausting all natural attempts, the tribe sought the aid of its priestesses. These women plumbed the world of spirits for answers, but they found only a malevolent entity lying in wait. Their ritual went horribly wrong, as the entity further corrupted those that sought freedom from their curse. These eternally vengeful beings would later be called the Kvaldir.

I think it’s possibly a little more likely that we’ll see an answer as to who that unknown entity actually was. Alternatively, it’s possibly that the story above was one that the vrykul wrote, and they might have gotten the details wrong — or the true story just evolved into legend over time, considering these events happened on ancient northern Kalimdor, which implies pre-Sundering. Ten thousand years and some change is a lot of time for a story to evolve into something completely different.


What surprises do you think blizzard has in store for us at blizzcon? What do you hope for the most? Cheers! //Arkmam

I’m hoping for some kind of beta date for Legion, or a release date for Overwatch. Far-fetched and probably out of reach things I’d like to hear about? An announcement for an Overwatch animated series. A new expansion announcement for Diablo. A release date for a revamped and updated version of Warcraft 1, 2 and 3. I don’t think any of these are going to happen, but hey, we can dream can’t we?


Why doesn’t Azeroth have any newspapers?

Given that the majority of Azeroth’s residents are usually out and about doing that whole saving the world thing, I don’t know if there’s really a market for any kind of established periodical publication. And I think gnomes are busier with far more technologically advanced creations than printing presses.


Lore wise, is Kezan just a smoking ruin now?

We don’t actually know! Theoretically it is, because hey, a volcano went off on the island. But it’s what’s beneath the island that I’m more interested in. The Undermine is pretty much the capital of Goblin civilization, it’s where the trade princes make their home. We don’t know what happened to Undermine after that volcano erupted — if the city had enough defenses, then they may be just fine down there. Alex Afrasiabi did say at BlizzCon 2010 that the Goblins do want to go back to Undermine someday, it’s just a matter of when they can do it.

And presumably so they can check and see if there even is an Undermine anymore. Goblins are pretty clever, though, I’m guessing since they were on a volcanic island, they were smart enough to install some kind of countermeasures or precautions in the event of an eruption.

That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!

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