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DiscussionNov 4, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: What do you not want answered?

With BlizzCon coming up, the topic of Q&As are on everybody’s mind. We showed you the polls from the Warcraft forums where you could choose your three favorite burning questions, with the top three questions going on to be answered by the developers at this week’s big event. The thing is, there were some notable clunkers in that list.

I doubt there are many people who earnestly care about the role of murlocs in Legion, for example, but it’s one option in the official poll the players could choose. There are a couple more in there too, making the list rife with danger zones–what if a whole bunch of people pick the question about Dance Studios to be funny and then the devs have to answer it? While of course the devs are free to answer any question they get, this makes me wonder if there’s any question you’d rather the devs not address.

I know I’m the pet battling guru around here, but I’d really prefer it if people don’t waste space asking about porting pet battles to mobile. Yes, even with the exciting news that Activision just acquired King. If Blizzard does decide to create a mobile battling game it’ll be a major to-do with a full team of app developers working in concert with the regular pet and art devs. They’re not just going to toss out a casual, “oh right, we’re doing that,” in the middle of a Q&A, even if something of that nature is in active development. Therefore, there’s no point in asking them about it directly unless something is announced (at which date I promise I’ll find a hat to eat). Pet breeding is another common question getting a bit dance studio-esque as the years pass, but it won’t make me rage like more queries about a mobile port.

On a totally different note, even though I’m not one of our resident lore gurus I’d prefer to have as much of the story of Legion as possible be a surprise. No more of these, “Garrosh is the end boss of Mists of Pandaria,” or “Grom is the end boss of Warlords of Dr–oh wait, never mind” non-announcements which wreck the narrative of the rest of the expansion regardless of their veracity. I was never one of those people who read the last page of the book first, so consider me Blizzard Watch’s answer to River Song. No spoilers, please.

Which items on the Blizzard poll list do you not want answered? Ever.

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Filed Under: BlizzCon Q&A Panel

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