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Discussion > WoWNov 22, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: When did I last play this?

I was looking through the character select screen when I noticed a character I haven’t played since before Burning Crusade. I haven’t played her in so long that she had no talents, has no glyphs selected, and her bags are full of stuff like the Vanquisher’s Sword — which you can’t even get anymore. She’s like a museum piece at this point, a little remnant of primordial WoW.

I absolutely don’t want to delete her, which puts me in the weird position of either playing her again, or just leaving her forever frozen in a time that’s gone. Heck, her quest log is empty. How is that even possible? Did I leave her there sans quests, or did those quests themselves go away with Cataclysm?

As I went through her bags and looked her over, I realized that even her face isn’t the same. I have no memory of what she used to look like — did she always have that nose ring? That sort of bemused look, like she’s not really sure why she’s in Darnassus either? Here she is, a level 47 Paladin, abandoned and forgotten on a server I never play on. How did she get to be level 47? I have no memory of this. Yet I must have put time into her to get her to that specific level, right?

In the end I left her as I found her. She’s a perfect little mystery. Let her remain so.

So now I ask y’all if you’ve ever found a character like that, someone you don’t really remember playing, from a lost time in the game’s history.

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Filed Under: Lost Character, Paladin

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