The Queue: Evil bat and spoilers

So yeah, the Alpha dropped, and yeah, I’m in it, and yeah, so far it’s just me running around on a Demon Hunter because I can’t import my main and character creation is disable for all classes but Demon Hunters. I ran one character through all the available test content last night (remarkably less buggy than you might expect for an Alpha) and I have to say, I enjoyed the evil bats.
I mean, come on, look at that thing. It’s evil.
This is the Queue. Let’s talk about Blizzard games. There may be some spoilers for Legion here. I’m trying to avoid any lore/story related ones, but they may slip through. In fact, today’s Queue will be more talking about being spoiled than actual spoilers, since that’s what y’all talked about.
Q4tQ: How are you handling the end-of-expansion / next-expansion-can’t-get-here-fast-enough blues? I am so bored out of my mind. I’ve been soloing Mogu’shan Vaults on my main (warlock), and can clear up to Emperor’s Will. I’ve attempted Terrace of Eternal Spring and Throne of Thunder, but they are way beyond my ability (at this point, anyway). Cataclysm stuff is yawn, and I don’t think I can drag myself through HFC anymore. I’m basically logging in for garrison quests, profession dailies (gotta keep those tailoring bags coming)… and not much else.
I’m going to admit something:
I don’t get those blues.
I burn out, sure. I burned out hard at the end of Mists of Pandaria. But it wasn’t because of a year in Siege — that honestly doesn’t bother me and never really has. I was fine with a year of ICC, I thought nothing of our extended stay in Dragon Soul. When I say that I think Blizzard has to get content out faster, I mean for the vast majority of players, not for myself personally. As someone who writes about World of Warcraft I of course want there to be news about the game. But as a player I’m actually really okay with extended content lulls.
The reason I burned out in Mists was simply that I was pushing myself to main tank a raid half-way through it when I’d been nothing but DPS for a whole year, and one fight (Norushen) simply wasn’t one I was good at. Mythic Norushen burned me out, because I was trying to learn how to tank again and how to do that fight. We got through it, but I was always unhappy about it.
So yeah, for me, this isn’t an issue. I log on, do my missions, go solo some old content and I’m happy. I level some alts, think about what I might like to play in Legion, it’s all good. Honestly I’ve always been okay with a two year expansion cycle.
Ohhhhh. My heart dropped when I read spoiler. I am upset.
I’m not thrilled either. We’ll see what happens, but it’s not a story development I ever wanted.
So… I just got the living hell spoiled out of me but it was thanks to a friend while I was playing Heroes of the Storm. I didn’t even have to come to Blizzard Watch, mmo champion or anywhere to be spoiled, it was my own friend who was really enthusiastic about the news because she’s a fan of Sylvanas.
So yeah… it sort of feels like there’s no avoiding spoilers these days. I’m not going to fret too much about it and just roll with it, but it does make me feel like I’m going to know the whole movie before even seeing the movie and that sucks.
Well, thanks to my job I had to give up on the idea of not getting spoiled. I’m a lore writer for a Blizzard focused website. It’s literally what I do, getting spoiled for World of Warcraft. But I understand and can relate to what you’re saying, and it is hard for someone to avoid these details. Just keep in mind that the game isn’t released yet — if you remember the ‘Yrel and Maraad were lovers’ lore drop during the Warlords beta, you’ll remember that some things may not end up being implemented, and that not all details are final. Plus not everything is as it seems — there may be a patch down the road that reveals that things are not as we originally believed.
In general, try and be philosophical about spoilers for upcoming expansions. Yes, in some cases it’s stuff you’d have rather experienced in game, and that sucks. But when your friend tells you about them, I hope it’s because she or he is really excited, and not because they wanted to ruin your fun. I hope not, anyway. If it was to ruin your fun, that’s a jerk move.
As for knowing the whole movie, that’s one of the benefits of the story coming in patches – at best you’ll know the first quarter.
Okay, where are we going to discuss the new Legion spoilers? We need a special place for this. I really hope we can keep this from as many of the unsullied (GoT term, think it applies here as well) as possible, for I’d love to see their reaction if they haven’t got a clue. This is why we need some sort of forum, dammit.
We have a spoiler post here, go nuts.
We don’t have a forum for a lot of reasons, one of which is the amount of time it takes to police a forum. Just the comments is a lot of work, we don’t really have the resources to dedicate to it.
On a scale of 1-10, how much excitement do you have for the wardrobe and why? Do you see any negative repercussions because of the implementation of the wardrobe?
I’m at eleven. No, I foresee no negatives to it. Bank space, void storage space. Wardrobe is love. Sweet, sweet love. Come, let us embrace it.
Q4TQ (or Breakfast Topic) Given the absolute avalanche of data that has already been released, do you get the feeling that Legion is closer to release than you may have originally thought?
I think there’s some serious polish on parts of Legion that I simply wasn’t expecting. The Demon Hunter experience was astonishingly lacking in serious bugs (there are some display bugs, but nothing that stopped me from playing) and the very fact that they dropped an Alpha (and invited so many to it) was surprising to me.
I mean, I could be wrong. I wasn’t expecting any action on the Legion beta until after Christmas. And here we are, late November and there’s an Alpha test. It could be this bad boy will be ready to roll out faster than I expected. But I know better than to promise you anything.
Okay, that’s the Queue for today. See y’all Friday. Be nice to Alex in tomorrow’s Queue.
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