Breakfast Topic: Do we have too many classes?

This is one that I’ve been wondering since the introduction of Death Knights, really. Since then we’ve gotten Monks and we’ll have Demon Hunters in Legion, and I honestly find myself wondering if we need so many classes. We’re up to twelve. Since one class has four specs and another has two, that’s an average of 3 per class, for 36 specs total. That’s a lot to balance. And in a lot of cases when a new class comes in, it steps on a previously established class.
People worried about Demon Hunters stepping on Rogues, but let’s be honest, it’s Warlocks that have outright lost class abilities that they’ve had for expansions now because the new hotness has a prior claim to them. If I were a Warlock player, I don’t think I’d be happy seeing Metamorphosis going over to the Demon Hunter. Warlocks get to watch Demon Hunters get all the coolness factor of stealing demonic fel energies, as well filling both a tank and a DPS role — and Warlocks have spent years longing for Metamorphosis tanking.
I mean, I’m crazy excited for Demon Hunters, but I can see their point. I relate to a degree, because as soon as Death Knights were announced to be tanking with 2h weapons, they’d basically stolen a fantasy I and other Warrior players had for years. I never got over that one. But I’m just one player. So I turn to you. What’s your take? Too many classes? Not enough?
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