The Queue: Get me off this crazy wolf

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
Man, you go out of your way to save a corrupted wolf Ancient from certain doom and restore his shrine to its former splendor and what do you get in return? A chaotic ride through melting landscape and the worry that falling through the world is suddenly a far more distinct possibility than it’s ever been before. Thanks, Goldrinn. No, really.
Q4tQ: After what we did in End Time, what do you think happened to Murozond after we defeated him? Do you think he went back to his beginning to repeat everything as Nozdormu? Do you think The Old Gods claimed him? Or, perhaps some other theory for what happened to him after his ‘death’
Well, according to Nozdormu, the cycle will repeat itself into infinity. Somewhere in the vast tangle of time, he’ll fall to madness again, Murozond will be reborn, and we’ll vanquish him again. But that’s just one forgotten fork of time. The true timeline, the one we worked to restore, is the only one that really matters in the long run, and in that timeline, Murozond is no longer a threat.
How come Mannoroth doesn’t explode at the end of the HFC fight like he does when Grommash kills him both times?
Well, it might have to do with the fact that what we were fighting was less “demon reborn” and more “bits and pieces of dead demon fused back together again into a zombified demon-ish monstrosity.” Even Mannoroth himself asks what the heck Gul’dan did during the encounter, stating that he feels weaker, somehow — that’s because he wasn’t summoned in the usual way, his body was raised from death. So when we kill him, no detonation, because it’s a weakened version of Mannoroth to begin with.
Either that or Gorehowl has a heretofore undiscovered proc that causes demons impaled on the weapon to detonate. Loudly.
Will there be flying in Legion, and if so, will it be gated the way it is in Warlords?
Yes, there will be flying in Legion, and while developers have mentioned that they liked how flying was obtained in Warlords of Draenor, I don’t think we’ve heard anything definite on just how exactly that will be implemented.
Any plans for another “100% game playthrough” for The Tavern, like you ended up doing with the Mass Effect games?
Not at the moment! But right now I’m playing through Life is Strange, which was recommended to me by several people. I may or may not write something about that one whenever I get around to finishing the game.
Any word on whether changing our mog via Wardrobe will still cost gold?
The Wardrobe isn’t fully implemented yet on the alpha — or at least it wasn’t the last time the alpha was available. Opening it made things go crash, so I avoided opening it. So I don’t really have an answer for you on that one, sorry! Hopefully we’ll have a fully-functioning Wardrobe when the alpha comes back.
With Legion changes to transmog will we be able change on the fly or will the transmog mount be worthwhile?
See the above — the Wardrobe wasn’t working right, so I couldn’t properly test it out. But considering the transmog mount has a vendor, and it also counts toward any mount-collecting achievement, I wouldn’t call it a poor investment. I just wouldn’t buy it strictly for transmog, if the Wardrobe allows that functionality on the fly.
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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