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Tavern WatchJan 19, 2016 2:30 pm CT

Agent Carter returns for Season 2 tonight

The spy show goes west to 1940s Hollywood.

Hayley Atwell and James D’arcy return tonight as the delightful team of Peggy Carter and Edwin Jarvis in the second season of Marvel’s spy series Agent Carter. The Captain America spin-off firmly landed on its own feet last season, establishing itself as a funny and action-packed spy show set in post-World War II America. And this go-round it looks even more confident.

The setting has moved from New York to Hollywood. Howard Stark has moved to the west coast to take advantage of the growing government defense industry bringing Jarvis with him. While there he buys a movie studio on the side. Agent Carter also heads to sunny Los Angeles to counter new threats to national security including a movie star who is also a brilliant scientist and may or may not be using her talents for the greater good.

I particularly enjoyed watching Agent Carter with both my 11-year old daughter and my 13-year old son last year. They got to see a female hero taking action, kicking ass, and getting things done despite being told she was just a woman. That level of sexism was not uncommon in the ’40s … or today. I’m looking forward to watching it together with them again tonight for the two hour premiere on ABC at 9pm.

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