The Queue: Peter hears the cheese speak

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
Sometimes I catch Peter listening to the cheese. I don’t know what the cheese has to say, and I’m still working up the courage to ask Peter about it. I know his title says that he’s a waiter, but he doesn’t seem to do a lot of waiting tables. Sometimes I find myself wondering, just where did Peter come from? Who in their right mind would say “Hey, I think I’d like to strand myself in an alternate timeline so I can wait tables for a living,” anyway? Maybe the cheese has the answers. I have answers too, but they’re just for your questions and don’t actually involve cheese, sorry.
Would you like to see weapon drops in Legion that can be used as a stop gap to specs you don’t have your Artifact for? Eg I’m feral and heal as needed — I’ll level the Feral one first. So a “standard” weapon would have to do until I get my Artifact?
I’d say if they expect people to swap specs at all during the length of Legion leveling, they probably better introduce something like that. As it stands, people aren’t going to be able to swap until they get around to getting a second Artifact weapon, whenever (or however) that is actually possible. You can’t currently do it on the alpha, but I imagine they’re going to figure this out at some point.
Q4t(Diablo)Q: I’ve been thinking of the whole demons/angels don’t really die; rather, their essence is dispersed then reforms (something along those lines). With that in mind, is it possible we’ll see Malthael again? And, despite his being “mortal” now, is Tyrael still technically an Angel (he is still on the Angiris Council, after all) and would therefore also reform should he die?
I think that part of the reason the Eternal Conflict is so eternal is that nothing actually seems to die at all, it just waits until it can come back again. It’s possible we’ll see Malthael again, just like we see Diablo coming back time after time.
Tyrael, on the other hand, isn’t an angel anymore — he was more like an ambassador between the Heavens and the mortal realm. The Book of Tyrael is actually a pretty good read that expands on Tyrael’s new role. I think if Tyrael were to die now, he’d be dead-dead, as in mortal-dead. He chose his fate, and everything it encompassed. However, this is Diablo we’re talking about here, and people have terrible habits of coming back from the dead — not to mention we’ve never really seen a situation like Tyrael’s before, so we’ve got no real way of knowing for certain.
Anyone know if the warglaives from Black Temple will be able to be equipped byvdemin hunters?
Given that Demon Hunters wield glaives, I’d assume that yes, they’d be able to equip the Warglaives.
QtfQ: So apparently Legion dungeons have a lot of raid-type mechanics where people basically have to jump through circus hoops upside down while avoiding hungry leaping lions and screaming clowns with flamethrowers to get anything accomplished at all (at least that’s what it sounded like to me). Should dungeon bosses really be as difficult as raid bosses?
I wouldn’t really call it ‘raid type mechanics’ — having done several of the dungeons on the alpha so far, I’d say they like to call back to former raid mechanics in places, but the encounters also have some delightful elements to them that I really enjoy so far. I wouldn’t say they’re as difficult as a raid boss, they’re just different puzzles to figure out. Once everyone has figured out how to successfully do them, they won’t be looked at as any more difficult than any other dungeon in the game. Keep in mind we took two hours in Vault of the Wardens on the live stream the other day and only defeated two bosses, yes — but we’d also never seen the dungeon before, and had no idea what the trash or the bosses were capable of, or what it would take to defeat them.
Half the fun of dungeons for me is figuring out the puzzle of how encounters work, so I’ve really liked what I’ve seen so far. Although maybe they could cut the trash back just a little.
Re the queue, do we know what happens if we destroy our artifact?
I hadn’t even actually thought about that before. In the interests of science (and also because nothing really matters on the alpha), I logged on to merrily chuck the Fist of Ra-den into the Twisting Nether. And I got this.
So I guess your answer is we can’t actually delete them. They are indestructible. They are the weapons that will never die, and they will be in our possession until at the very least the end of the expansion, whether we would like them to be or not. Once you’ve adopted an Artifact, it’s yours forever. I guess we’re going to have to find some kind of suitable display shelf once Legion is over and done with.
Has Blizzard ever said anything about Heroes of the Storm getting original characters?
Not a word! There’s more than enough characters in all of Blizzard’s assorted IP’s to pretty much provide heroes for eternity. The whole thing behind Heroes of the Storm is that these various heroes from Blizzard’s games were drawn to the Nexus to fight, so it’d be…kind of weird to see someone entirely new in there. I guess if they ran out of hero ideas from Blizzard’s collection of titles they could make some original characters, I just don’t really see them having a need to do that for quite some time.
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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