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DiscussionFeb 6, 2016 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Why is my sword so small?

This is just one of those things that’s always bugged me — why are two handed weapons so small on Blood Elves, especially Blood Elf women? I mean, they’re relatively small on Belf men, but when I race changed to Blood Elf for the Alpha stream yesterday I noticed immediately how very tiny my Strom’kar is in my character’s hand compared to, well, anyone. It’s bigger in a Goblin or Gnome’s hands! That seems wrong.

I mean, I get that it would likely be smaller on a Blood Elf than a Tauren or an Orc, those are bruiser builds and I understand relative proportions. But checking on the Alpha, everyone has a bigger version of Strom’kar than Belves do. Gnomes, Goblins, Dwarves, no matter the relative size of the person wielding it, the sword is bigger on just about anyone else than it is on a Blood Elf, and it’s disconcerting to me.

Am I crazy here? Should Blood Elves have the tiny swords and I’m just missing something?

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Filed Under: Blood Elves, Strom’kar

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