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Discussion > WoWMar 7, 2016 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: What one item do you refuse to part with?

Though bank and bag space has been increasing over time, I’ve had to part with many treasured items that served no more use though they’ve had sentimental value. My initial robes and staff I came into Azeroth with in 2004 on my Night Elf Druid come to mind. But there’s one thing I’ve kept no matter what.

The Light of Elune is so precious that I can’t bring myself to use it, but I can’t get rid of it either. I mean, what if I use it and then I really needed it later? Or I use it and didn’t really need it at that moment? And so it sits in my bank and probably will do so until Blizzard turns off the last WoW server in the year 2125.

Is there anything you hold on to in the game no matter what be it sentimental or useful?

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Filed Under: Light Of Elune

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