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The QueueMar 11, 2016 11:00 am CT

The Queue: My nightmare come to life

So yesterday I went in for my second ‘Matt gets needles driven into his eyes’ session. Already, you can see why I’d have had a rough day. So then I decide to get The Queue written for today, and what’s the big header image? A gigantic eyeball monster.

This is The Queue. I had to look at a giant eyeball monster less than six hours after I had both of my eyes stabbed. I’m kind of freaking out over here.


I am an eyeball monster.

You certainly are.


Was tidying up the man room closet today and found my WarCraft II manual.  Oh god, the nostalgia nearly killed me.

I wish Blizzard would host PDFs of all their old paper manuals on their site.  Maybe they do and I’m just horribly misinformed.

Well, they have the Warcraft II manual online. And they also have the Warcraft III manual online. I couldn’t find the manual for the first Warcraft game, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there, just that I couldn’t find it.


So, just how freaked out are you by a horrible eyeball monster right about now?

So freaked out. Beholders? Make me want to start weeping and never ever stop. So yeah. That eyeball thing from yesterday’s Queue is haunting me.

Man, never let anyone tell you injections in your eyes won’t hurt. They freaking hurt. I have blood maelstroms in my eyes now.


Q4tQ: Is it ever explicitly stated in lore who the Alliance and Horde Commanders are in Warcraft 1 and 2? From reading the scenario text it sounds like Orgrim Doomhammer is the Warcraft 1 Commander, since you become Warchief, but no such clarity on Alliance side, or either faction in Warcraft 2. I’d say Lothar, but you rescue him from Dead Mines. Anyone? Anne? Rossi? Bueller?

It is likely Llane Wrynn in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. Especially since he dies and it’s a canonical Horde victory. For Warcraft II, I think it’s Turalyon but it could just as easily be Anduin Lothar, and either way I’m pretty sure it’s Doomhammer for the Horde.


Do you remember the needles, Matthew?

Yes of course I remember the needles this literally just happened, how would I manage to forget having to sit there while they put metal restraints in my eyes and then injected each eyeball in turn? How would I ever forget that? And then after I get home and my eyesight comes back I go to do the Queue and there’s a horrible eyeball monster.

Yes, I remember it just fine.



What do we know about the Wardrobe aside from what was announced at Blizzcon? It is working in the alpha?

At present the wardrobe is implemented but we can’t transfer our own characters onto the Alpha servers, so it’s a bit hard to test. What I’ve discovered through directed experimentation —

  1. You only learn items for the Wardrobe if they’re your primary armor class. So Paladins, DK’s and Warriors only learn plate, Mages and Warlocks only learn cloth, Hunters and Shaman only learn mail, and Druids, Monks, Demon Hunters and Rogues only learn leather.
  2. If you can equip a weapon, you can learn it, and once you learn it anyone who can equip that weapon can use it.
  3. If you have a choice between quest items, whichever one you pick, you get both (or all if more than two) in your Wardrobe.
  4. Everything else they said at BlizzCon is presumably going to be what we see going forward. Some of it just isn’t testable (all the gear from every quest you ever did whether or not you kept the gear, etc) at this time.


Always, always, always, my stare is the fixed point unwavering.

Seriously knock it off.


Is Rossi doing the Queue tomorrow?

Yes. Why do you ask? Are you secretly an eyeball monster?

That’s the Queue for today. Please no more eyeball monsters.

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