Breakfast Topic: Who should be the next Support character in Heroes?
In the past, we’ve already discussed which characters we’d like to see in Heroes of the Storm. Today, however, I’d like to narrow it down: which characters would you like to see in Heroes of the Storm which could fulfill the Support role? There are fewer Support characters in Heroes than any other role. The next two characters coming to the game are Dehaka, a Warrior, and Tracer, another Assassin. Our last Support hero was Morales released back in October. I think it’s time we saw a new one.
While it’s difficult to think of specific heroes without finding similar ones already represented — something like Lucio’s AOE healing from Overwatch is rather similar to Brightwing’s existing AOE healing — I find I don’t play Support often in Heroes of the Storm simply because I’m bored of those heroes which already exist. For me, there isn’t enough variety.
World of Warcraft‘s Anduin Wrynn and Velen, being priests of the Light, are often mentioned by players as Support candidates. WoW‘s Druids and Shaman are already represented through Malfurion and Rehgar. Personally, I think pulling from Overwatch‘s stable of Support characters would be a fun way to go: Symmetra is something of a blend between Tassadar and Gazlowe and the aforementioned Lucio could be a highly mobile Support character. Heck, I wouldn’t even mind if Heroes of the Storm began doubling up on Diablo 3 characters. We have the male Monk in Kharazim — why not the female Monk with a slightly different playstyle, pulling from different abilities in the Diablo 3 Monk’s kit? Or while we’re on the topic of Diablo, could Auriel fill a Support role? We don’t know much about Auriel’s fighting style, but she’s the Archangel of Hope and that screams healy to me.
It’s easy, I think, to brainstorm hundreds of Warrior and Assassin heroes. Support is a little more difficult — and I suspect that’s why there are comparatively few Support heroes in the game. So let’s brainstorm. Who do you want healing you in the Nexus?
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