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DiscussionMay 19, 2016 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: That one thing you refuse to do

I have never rolled a Priest.

It’s nothing against Priests as a class, or people who play Priests in WoW. I’m just not into the cloth wearing, staff-carrying World of Warcraft idea of what a Priest is. I grew up on D&D, where the most common healer was the Cleric, and he wore heavy armor and carried a flail or morningstar around bashing people when not casting heals. It’s just how it is in my head, and as a result, I can’t get into World of Warcraft‘s Priest class.

So I guess that’s my problem, but I know lots of players who’ve never played a ranged class, or a melee class, or never tanked, or who refuse to try a specific class (a lot of people tell me they refuse to try a Warrior for some reason) so I’m asking — what is that one thing you absolutely won’t do in WoW?

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