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The QueueMay 31, 2016 11:00 am CT

The Queue: Better on Consoles?

Been playing a lot of Diablo 3 on my Xbox lately. I think I prefer it to the PC version.

This is The Queue. Let’s talk about stuff.


I genuinely enjoyed Batman / Superman, but thanks to reviews and the internet, I have known for a long time that I only like things that are bad, and am a bad person as a result.

As someone else who liked Batman v Superman I get what you’re saying.

Criticism is important to the development of the artistic process, but not all criticism is useful to us as the potential audience. Sometimes critics are wrong, sometimes they’re coming from a viewpoint that is valid but doesn’t serve the interests of the people who might find and enjoy a work of art (be it a movie, a book, a play or what have you) because that audience isn’t as concerned with what the critic is.

Pauline Kael’s infamous review of Star Wars is often touted as an example of how the critics get it wrong, but I honestly think she wrote a heck of a review, and reading it has challenged me and my opinion of film as art ever since. She was right in a lot of ways in her critique of the film — it doesn’t do any of the things she wanted film to do. If you’re approaching movies as an art form Pauline Kael is someone you should go read, she had a lot of insight. But her approach to film didn’t fit what Star Wars was trying to do. Star Wars was very much in line with old-time movie serials from the 20’s and 30’s, it was a spectacle intended to entertain. And at least for me, a child in 1977, it did exactly what it set out to do.

Reviews are helpful tools that allow us to decide ‘would I like this?’ but that’s all they are. Negative reviews don’t make you wrong for liking a movie or book any more than positive reviews and general social acceptance make you right for liking it. Don’t let it get you down when people act like something you like is toxic sludge and you’re a monster for enjoying it. Like what you like, it’s cool.

As a struggling author trying to get my work noticed, a positive review feels like a ray of sunshine breaking through black clouds, and a negative one can crush my whole day, but I’ve learned to take criticism (at least criticism that isn’t just pejorative) as a useful tool.


So I was playing around on a baby Warrior last night.  (Why yes, she’s a gnome, why do you ask?)

I discovered that she looks VERY determined when she’s running, and it is so CUTE!  Made me wanna squee, but everyone else was asleep and I didn’t want to wake anybody up.

Get your Gnome a pair of 2h weapons and go attack something. Trust me. It’s a thing of beauty.


Q4tQ: With all this talk about you with the powers of your Mains, would you sign up to become a Demon Hunter (knowing the risks in that Information Manual known to bookstores as illidan)?

Would I eat a demon’s heart raw, go into a coma and re-live the most horrible experience of my life from the perspective of that same demon, which was responsible for it and which took diabolic pleasure from the tragedy that warped my life, all the while feeling the demon transform my body as it warred with me for control of it?

I think I’ll pass, thanks. Warriors are a lot less ‘crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal’ about things.


Knowing myself, I expect to get a wardrobe completionist once Legion launches; all of my toons’ banks are already overflowing with transmog gear, now I’ll just need to track down everything else in the world. I was thinking though, what professions will have an impact on the wardrobe? For instance, pretty much all the gear off the Cache of Madness in ZG is the only remaining source for the looks there–I already have plate and mail archaeologists, I guess I need to train up a leather-wearer for Fasc’s Preserved Boots. Engineering seems like it might be helpful on one of each armor type (which means I’d need a cloth and a leather engineer). Any other places where certain professions for certain armor types will be necessary to acquire certain wardrobe looks?

Also, on the subject of the wardrobe, I wanted to clarify how it will work for quests. Do we get access to every item we could’ve gotten from the quest, or just the items that the character could have equipped? My shaman got pre-Cata Loremaster, and I’m hoping that means I have access to a lot of old school quest gear, would be kind of bummed if I just have an excellent collection of old school mail.

In terms of ZG looks, they put almost all of that stuff back in the game in Mists of Pandaria — you can farm it off of the various Zandalari mobs that invade parts of the continent. I know I’m happy I have BC era Blacksmithing for transmog, but I’m generally not freaking out too hard about it.

In terms of quests, yes, I’ve done a few in Legion and gotten looks for items I couldn’t even get like caster weapons from quests. So it seems like it’s being implemented that you get every transmog look you could possibly use from a quest, no matter what you actually take.

Okay. That’s the Queue. I’ll see you all Friday.

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Filed Under: Consoles, Games

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