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Discussion > WoWJun 16, 2016 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Legion pre-patch excitement

With the Legion pre-patch hitting the PTR, its release on live realms is practically right around the corner. Personally, I dread it. Why? Because with Warlords‘ relative lack of content (and my inability to raid), my personal approach to progression in WoW ended up being economic. Hitting a new gold goal became my equivalent of downing a new raid boss. With gold garrison missions being converted to give garrison resources instead, a big part of what I do from day to day goes away.

I don’t disagree with the change, of course. Those missions existing in Legion and beyond would mean I’d return to my garrison to run them forever. I wouldn’t want that. I’m just a little sad I’ll lose my slice of content before Legion itself actually opens up. There are still things to get excited about in the patch: the wardrobe, the invasion event, and so on. So despite my dread about losing my gold, there’s excitement, too.

Are you looking forward to the patch? Is there something specific you’re waiting for?

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Filed Under: Legion, Legion Pre-patch

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