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Discussion > WoWJun 21, 2016 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: What kind of specs do you prefer?

As we ramp up to Legion I’ve been exploring the druid class on beta trying out the different specs. One of the reasons I’ve always been drawn to druids is the radically different playstyles that each spec offers. You can play a healer, a tank, ranged dps, or melee dps as the mood strikes you all without rerolling and releveling another character. But maybe that’s too much choice for some players.

On the other end of the spectrum there are those players that like doing one thing and doing it really well. The mage class excels at blowing things up in a spectacular fashion and fortunately for them their spec comes in three different flavors of kaboom. Having radically different specs for them may not be so important as that they do the same job with slightly different approaches.

Do you like your classes with wildly different specs that give you more options in play styles or just flavor specs that give you different ways of accomplishing the same thing?

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Filed Under: Specs

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