Breakfast Topic: Loot wars

There are only two types of people in the world: those who use auto-loot and those who don’t. As far as I can tell, these people hate each other with a fiery passion. Those who use auto-loot can’t fathom why it isn’t the default behavior in WoW. Those who don’t use it would riot if auto-loot ever did become default. Which side are you on?
Personally, I’m one of the auto-looters. I can’t fathom why someone would willingly go through the tedium of clicking every item on every mob they kill. In the vast majority of cases, your loot is going to be a little gold, some vendor trash, and maybe a quest item. That’s too many clicks to spend on something not particularly interesting. With auto-loot, I get everything in one click, and if I see the color blue or green or even purple show up in my chat window, then I can investigate further. Otherwise, I don’t really need to know what I looted because I’ve probably seen it a thousand times before. I already clicked to kill the mob or mine the node and I already know what they’re going to give me, so just give me the goodies already.
Come on, put up your dukes. How do you loot? Let’s fight about it. (Politely, please.)
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