How are you liking Siren Isle, the newest zone in The War Within?
Our expedition to Siren Isle has entered its fourth week, meaning that there's been time to rotate through all of the invading factions as well as form our first impressions of the zone.
How would raiding change if addons were restricted during World First?
Addons in World of Warcraft have been a hot-button topic for a long time.
What’s the most annoying trash mob in WoW?
Every expansion has that one mob which is just plain annoying.
How do you feel about how complex World of Warcraft’s raid bosses have gotten over the years?
With the arrival of Zul'Gurub in WoW Classic on April 15, I'm having a great time going through all my screenshots of that raid and remembering when it was current.
What have you held onto too long?
There's a common behavior in RPGs: players have a habit of holding onto useful items until they absolutely need them, and when that time comes, they don't know it and still don't use those items.
Are there any Blizzard games you follow, but don’t play?
I keep up on Overwatch news as much as possible.
What are your small annoyances in WoW?
What annoys you in WoW?
Let’s wildly speculate about Gamescom
Blizzard recently confirmed their attendance at this year's Gamescom, taking place August 22 through August 26.
What are your weekend gaming plans?
It's a busy weekend in the world of Blizzard games, what with Chinese New Year taking place in a myriad of games, week two of HGC, and everything else going down in Blizzard land.
Which characters do you feel bad for?
Elerethe Renferal is one of the earliest bosses in the Emerald Nightmare raid.