Justice rains from above in this week’s Overwatch Brawl

While Hearthstone‘s Tavern Brawl plays around with the gamble of Shifter Zerus, the Overwatch Brawl highlights everyone’s favorite OTP: Pharmercy. (Don’t Google that.) Or, translated into English, this week’s Overwatch Brawl is Justice Rains From Above, where you can only play Pharah or Mercy.
Between Pharah’s rocket jump and Mercy’s Guardian Angel glide, be prepared for aerial combat — and lots of it. While Pharah’s rockets do some degree of splash damage, you’re going to be relying on direct hits given everyone is soaring through the sky … and Mercy’s healing beam will be more than enough to deal with any incidental splash damage on her Pharah buddy. If you ever wanted an opportunity to practice leading your shots as Pharah, this is the Brawl to do it. It’s a do or die situation. Lead those shots, land those shots, or get blasted out of the sky.
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