The Queue: The plant whisperer
Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
Coming soon to a channel near you, it’s The Plant Whisperer, a compelling new gardening show that highlights the importance of talking to your plants. Especially on Draenor, where at virtually any moment said beloved and unassuming houseplants could feasibly uproot themselves and try to kill you. You ever seen a man with his mouth caught in a Gorgrond Flytrap? Let me tell you, it ain’t pretty.
Recently re-subbed and got the Fight for the Alliance achievement. Where does the reward of the Replica Lion’s Fang/Heart sword and shield come from? I didn’t get a mail or anything in my bags
It should be in your mailbox — I believe it just shows up in the mailbox of the first character you log into, so if you have multiple characters, make sure you’re checking that one. If you still don’t see it anywhere, then I’d recommend opening a ticket. Hope you locate it, the transmog items are pretty sweet!
Is there a gameplay/strategy/preference reason as to why in professional HotS matches we never see certain maps?
I asked our local Heroes expert Anna about that one, and she had some good answers!
Towers of Doom is another one of those lesser-used maps. Check out this infographic from the Summer 2016 DreamHack All-Stars Global Championship — you can see which maps were popular, and which ones were frequently passed over. Neither Garden of Terror nor Blackheart’s Bay made an appearance.
Been offline for many months and had a couple of questions on Legion. Likely these have been answered a billion times in the past few months, so forgive my re-askinization (a perfectly cromulent word):
1. Whites and grays available for transmog?
2. Tabard collection interface that allows you to select at will and not have to use a bag space for each?
3. Possible to set different favorites for air/land mounts OR separate favorites on different toons?
Whites and grays are not available for transmog, sadly — but the new Wardrobe system is still pretty sweet, and shirts have been added to the interface so you can transmog those instead of carrying around a collection. The Wardrobe also includes a tabard section, so you don’t need to use bag space for them anymore. As far as mounts go, those are still account-wide, and at present date in the beta it still works exactly the same as it does on live — favorites are saved account-wide, and the random button doesn’t let you pick between random ground or air mounts.
Have level 110 heirlooms, or tokens to raise current heirlooms to 110 been seen in the Legion beta?
I logged on to the beta to check this out, and unfortunately heirlooms don’t seem to be completely implemented yet — the heirloom tab is there, but it’s blank for all my characters. I bought a couple of heirlooms just to see if that would make them pop up, but no dice. I haven’t seen any items to raise the current heirlooms to 110, however. Keep in mind though — the heirloom trinkets from Warlords, like the Orb of Voidsight, can be used all the way up to 110.
Do we know yet if Dog is coming home with us from the Garrison – I will cry if he doesn’t?
Sadly, I have not seen hide nor hair of Dog anywhere in Dalaran or on the Broken Isles. I guess this kind of makes sense, since we don’t have a handy garrison or farm for him to hang out in.
But I find myself wishing that maybe we’d get a cool moment somewhere while questing or just wandering Dalaran where we’re minding our own business, we hear that familiar bark, and Dog comes running out of nowhere to meet us — and then gets added to our collections as an official non-combat pet. He served his time at our side, I don’t think the little guy needs to do any more battles, pet or otherwise.
It’d just be a nice end to his story, I think.
Wardrobe question: At what level the wardrobe can be used? My alts wearing heirlooms can’t transmog gear even if it’s soulbond, and have stats. I always forget to check WHEN they can start transmogging. Is this related to heirlooms changing type for some classes? because to transmog the weapon is no problem once I get one with stats.
You can transmog from the moment you equip something that you can transmog — level 1 characters start out with white items, and you can’t transmog appearances to those. You can, however, transmog weapon enchant appearances to your weapons, provided you have the gold to do it. So once you get yourself equipped in a piece of eligible gear, you should be able to start using that right away.
As far as for right now, if you’re playing a plate or mail wearing class, the reason you’re running into issues is because mail classes start out in leather — they don’t switch to mail until level 40. Same goes for plate classes — they wear mail until level 40, then switch to plate. That’s where that issue is coming from. In Legion, this issue will disappear entirely — plate will wear plate and mail will wear mail from level 1 onward.
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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