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The QueueJul 9, 2016 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Lonely island

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Look at that map. Look at that face on poor Farahlon. It already knows it’s on the way out. The other landmasses have been quietly distancing themselves. “Oh hey Farahlon,” they tell it. “Didn’t see you there. I uh…I gotta go. Need to wash my hair.”

“You don’t even have hair,” Farahlon replies gloomily, and goes back to wistfully remembering the days when people used to visit.


Question about Legion, Diablo style, dailies!!!   =O

Do they work like WoW dailies you can pick,and finish even if you get logged out?

or like Diablo which when you’re in the middle of the last mission, and you get disconnected, you must start from scratch? >:(

They work like World of Warcraft dailies — if you log out and back in again, it’ll still be there, and it doesn’t start you back from square one.


Are legendary ring upgrades going away in 7.0? Legion launch? Staying in game forever?

I’m guessing they’re going away, but we don’t have any direct confirmation on that. I believe they said that the legendary ring quest chain will be going away, much like the quest chain to get legendary cloaks in Mists went away with Warlords. I think if you still have the chain you’ll be able to complete it, but if you haven’t obtained it, you won’t be prompted to pick it up anymore. Basically, if you haven’t gotten your legendary ring yet, you should probably get on that!


Well now. I’ll take once as just a happy coincidence, but getting the second binding in my MC run after the weekly reset?

Congrats! I have some friends that got the things in one run. It was crazy. For me, I got one binding my first attempt at farming, and then it was months before I saw the second one. Having Thunderfury in my collection was worth it, though!


Is there any lore to the locations in which the Legion is going to attack (Legion pre-launch demon thing) or are they just random? If so, what is the story behind it?

I don’t think there’s really any lore involved, I think they’re just spread out over both continents with the intent of smashing everything in their path. Westfall is pretty near a major settlement, but Tanaris is kind of out in the middle of nowhere, as far as that goes. So there doesn’t appear to be any rhyme or reason to it.

 Question about the transmog features. When you have an item that gives you a wardrobe look, and you get a second one with the same look does the UI tell you this. Like for profession patterns it shows that you already have a pattern does the Wardrobe do this?

It tells you that you already have that appearance, but otherwise, no — for items that share the same model, mousing over that item in the Wardrobe will tell you all items that share that appearance, and which ones you’ve collected.


We are led to believe that Illidan sent his Demon Hunters to Argus to wage an insurgency against Kil’jaeden (and generally murder any and every demon they could), but from what I’ve heard the Demon Hunters start off on Mardum. So, what happend?

They were sent to Mardum, not Argus — they needed to get an item that would allow them to more easily jump to Argus. Basically they were in the middle of the step they needed to take to get to the big final step, and then everything kind of fell apart.

The whole method Illidan was using was a little weird to begin with. It was sort of like solo-soul-hopping to create paths to where he needed to be. In order to get his Demon Hunters to where they needed to go, he had to create anchor points for them to jump to, rather than just casting them out in the universe at random. Or at least that’s the impression I got from it all — what he sent them after on Mardum would presumably help with that.

That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!

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