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The QueueJul 13, 2016 11:00 am CT

The Queue: Mama said knock you out

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!


I have two quick questions about the Legion pre-expansion event. First of all, for any of you that have done it on the PTR/beta, how much content is in this event? Second, do we know if it will only stick around until the launch of Legion? Before WoD, I would’ve given said of course it wouldn’t, but as far as I know, the quest line in the Blasted Lands for pre-WoD can still be done to this day.

Basically, those factors will determine for me whether I resub for the pre-patch or not. Because if it’s basically like WoD again, where it’s do an hour (being generous and including the dungeon preview) of content that’ll still be there at launch, then sit around and wait a month for launch, then I’ll just hold off until launch.

Some of the Warlords launch content is indeed gone, I believe. There’s a quest chain which remains in the Blasted Lands, but there were additional quests (and rewards) which have since been removed. I would be very surprised if the Legion invasion event sticks around — it involves pings on your world map and scenarios you auto-enter upon arriving in a zone which is under attack. In the short-term, that’s all good fun. Long-term, the standard content in invasion zones would be perpetually unplayable and effectively gone, instead replaced with a demon smash-and-bash.

How much content is involved in the invasions is probably up to your interest level in the rewards and gameplay. I’d say there isn’t all that much content there — a handful of zones on each continent periodically come under attack, plus there’s some minor shenanigans in capital cities. You could probably do all of the invasion events in one day, and if all you want to do is see them, you could be one-and-done after that. However, if you want the rewards, such as cosmetic outfits, you’ll need to do those invasions more than just once. If you really grind it out, maybe you can get it done in a few days. If you take your time and play casually, it’ll take a little longer.


Will you keep recruiting from your tavern even after prepatch hits? My main has 135 followers and I think he is only 64 followers off from having every Horde-obtainable follower in the game so he has a little over a year to go.  I’ll probably keep doing it for the heck of it just to see everybody that you can get, at least for Horde.  My Alliance main is a little behind (he has 90), don’t know if I’ll keep going on him too.

Probably not. I’m not a collect-them-all person, but I am a person who wants things to look cool. My strategy was recruiting followers with Treasure Hunter and taking the ones which looked badass, and once I sufficiently filled my roster, I was done with recruiting. I’m not keeping a theoretical gnome-in-underpants around no matter how good his skills are. He gets thrown in the dumpster as soon as the inn offers a follower who looks better.


Can I get a link to Overwatch Ana’s teaser?



Okay, my sincerest apologies if this has been made clear elsewhere but it keeps bugging me:
Suppose I have farmed old Lich King on my Druid and I have had Glorenzelg (a sword) dropped for me. It’s soulbound but I can’t equip it since I am a Druid, but I am keeping it in my Void Storage anyway. When the pre-patch hits, will its appearance get added to my wardrobe or not?

Your Druid cannot equip swords, so a sword in your Druid’s possession will not be added to the wardrobe. You’ll need to farm up Glorenzelg on a character who can actually equip the weapon.


A big part of playing MMOs is that special-snowflake mentality that players get when developing a character and making it feel like their own. Do you think that Demon Hunter players will have trouble taking pride in their character? I was talking to my brother about his favorite WoW character and he just has so many stories about leveling his first Warlock and every adventure and dungeon and epic journey he’s been on. Even for new players, you can go back and find old weapons and sets to customize your visual appearance, but Demon Hunters start practically at level 100 so they’ll never experience even leveling through Pandaria, and we have only enough glaives to count on one hand. I already picked the non-glaives I plan on mogging over my artifact, and already I feel a little dirty about it.

If Death Knights didn’t have this problem, Demon Hunters won’t have this problem.

I’d say the “special-snowflake” thing you’re referring to isn’t as big a deal as you might expect. For some people, sure, that might be the case. But for most people, the larger issue is whether or not they’re having fun. That fun can be had on an old character or a new character. Maybe you have fun alone or you have fun with friends. Maybe your Demon Hunter didn’t run Molten Core at level 60, but if it’s fun to play, you’ll play it. My priest is my oldest character, and likely my character with the most history, but I don’t find her fun to play anymore. So I don’t play her. I’d much rather play that brand new character I boosted to 100 without any raid experience or transmog gear — because that one is more fun.

Personally, I think “not even leveling through Pandaria” is the biggest benefit to Demon Hunters! I’m not trying to start a fight here, everyone has expansions they liked or didn’t like, but I would gladly pay real money to specifically skip Mists of Pandaria content on all future alts. What a snoozefest.


do class hall resources accrue passively like garrison resources do, or can they only be acquired via questing etc?

I haven’t messed with class halls in a few builds, so forgive me if anything changed within the last few weeks. However, last I played, class hall resources could not be gathered passively. They were primarily acquired through questing. You’ll earn some while leveling, you’ll earn some through your class hall quest chain, and you’ll earn them through completing world quest objectives at level 110.

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