The Queue: Dreaming of explosive sheep

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
Here I thought explosive sheep were very much an engineering thing, but it looks like some enterprising goblin or another managed to figure out how to genetically engineer a new breed of sheep. A better, stronger breed of sheep. A breed of sheep with ten times the explosive capacity, and a million more times the mess.
I’d like to point out that, even thought Reinhardt has a “Laser Shield” said Shield does not block physical/melee objects…. how? I think it’s a speed thing. The Shield does not stop slow moving objects, but fast projectiles and such it will stop… Of course we have to temper game mechanics with real world physics… does that make sense? No… but neither does an undead man running around with infinite sawed off shotguns which all say “Repent” on the side…
I know this wasn’t technically a question but I felt like I should point out that I feel like Reinhardt’s barrier field/shield is likely some kind of modified form of hard-light technology, the same technology the Vishkar Corporation (and hand in hand with that, Symmetra), are famous for. Hard-light tech has been heavily used primarily by Vishkar to create cities out of nothing — but maybe there were some other groups working with the tech, too. Although that doesn’t quite explain why some attacks can still hit him, of course. Or, you know, maybe it’s an entirely different realm of technology altogether, either way I felt like nerding out about it so there you go.
This is probably a senseless question, but here goes: can you still do “fangs of the father” or did they take that out?
You can absolutely still go get the Fangs of the Father if you’re looking for them! The only legendary chains that have been (or are being) removed are the cloak chain from Mists, and the ring chain from Warlords.
Q4TQ Part 1: Which one of you blizzard watch people are the resident “soundtrack geek?” I wanna guess Anne, but is there a particular one among you who appreciates blizzard soundtracks head and shoulders above the others?
Part 2: Speaking of soundtracks, I’ve had all 256 MMOC-data mined legion tunes on my phone for awhile, and while listening to said playlist, it hit me in the face that the first five notes of the iconic Karazhan theme harmonize flawlessly with the first five notes of the iconic burning legion/Illidan theme, as a matter of fact, they arrange them as such in one of the “sanctum of Karazhan” bits! Has this been intended all along, do you think, or is this just a genius arrangement done now so awesomely?
I don’t know if I’d call myself a “soundtrack geek,” but when I’m writing, I can’t really listen to music with vocals — I’ll start typing lyrics instead of, you know, what I’m supposed to be writing. So instrumental soundtracks are great for me, and the Blizzard soundtracks tend to top that list, just because they’re really good at kind of encapsulating whatever emotion I’m going for.
As for your second question — they do this all the time. A lot of the varying tracks work together, harmonize each other, or carry forward a theme. One of my favorites has been the Stormwind theme, and the various interpretations we’ve had of that track over the years. It’s this super hopeful, proud and inspiring thing in the original soundtrack, and Cataclysm introduced a dissonant version that was really just lovely. There’s another variation of it in the Legion soundtracks, too! Rips my heart out every time. I love it.
Any news on “required” add-ons status for the patch? Will they be ready? I’m thinking Auctionator, TSM, Skada, DBM, Altoholic
I don’t really have news regarding specific addons, however this seemed like an excellent opportunity to remind people that disabling all addons before you log in on patch day is an excellent idea. If you don’t, you run the risk of being inundated with error messages, or having your game lock up altogether. Better to just disable them all, update and enable them one by one, especially if you have a lot of them — you won’t be stuck guessing which one, out of the umpteen billion addons you’ve got, is throwing you the error.
Q4tQ: What do you think will happen to AU Draenor Lorewise after we go back to Azeroth?
It’s going to move on without us. They’ll rebuild the Draenei cities, probably, the remaining orcs will scatter — or they’ll stand united, but untainted by Burning Legion, so basically like a much, much larger group of Mag’har than we see on Outland. I don’t think we’ll ever see any of this of course, since it’s an alternate universe.
Lore Question for the Queue: Since King Varian is speaking an internal monologue to his son Anduin during the Legion cinematic, may we assume that Anduin is to play a significant role in Legion (lore-wise)?
I should probably give you a more substantial answer than that, but I don’t really want to spoil anything. In general though, Anduin’s been an interesting character to watch over the years — he was just kind of that generic cardboard child model that was “running” Stormwind in vanilla, although he wasn’t really anything more than a figurehead. It’s been cool watching him actually age, progress, and come into his own as a full-fledged character. I mean, growing up on Azeroth can’t be particularly easy, and it definitely hasn’t been for Anduin, but he’s doing his best, and he’s been steadfastly hanging on to his optimistic ideals despite all that’s happened. The kid’s grown up in arguably the most tumultuous period of Azeroth’s history and all.
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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