You should watch the other faction’s Broken Shore cinematic

First, let’s get the spoilerific business out of the way. This post is full of spoilers. If you haven’t played through the introductory quest for the Broken Shore, go do it now. You don’t even have to have purchased Legion. All WoW accounts in good standing with a character at level 100 can do it.
Still with me? Good. Now, if you’ve done the Broken Shore quest already with only an Alliance or Horde character, you’re only seeing one side of the story and may be left with a question or two. Join me after the jump to get a view from the other side.
The Horde Broken Shores Cinematic
If you played the Alliance side, you may be wondering why the Horde pulled back at a critical time. Turns out things weren’t going so great for their leader, Warchief Vol’jin, either. See how it went from the point of view of Sylvanas:
The Alliance Broken Shores Cinematic
If you played the Horde, there isn’t anything revelatory, but you can see more of Varian and Genn Greymane’s advance on Gul’dan’s position before the Horde experienced their own problems:
I have to admit, Gul’dan was something of a paper thin villain for me through all of Warlords of Draenor. He was someone Blizzard trotted out for theatrics and raid reasons and when they wanted a green colored filler zone. But these cinematics make me truly hate him for the first time. Well done, Terran Gregory and the Blizzard Cinematics Team, well done.
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