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DiscussionAug 21, 2016 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Thank you, invasions

I’m having fun. Are you guys having fun? The invasions so far are to me a lot of fun. Stuff is happening out in the world and I can go take part in it. I can participate on my max level alts, and get them some nice gear for Legion so I’m not trying to get my Artifacts in green 620 gear. And I can bring my lower level alts and get them some XP and boxes to open at 100, if I get them there.

But more important even than the rewards is how the invasions feel like a big deal. Like Azeroth, Horde and Alliance, are pulling together to fight off waves of demons.

Several people have already mentioned how badass it feels to see like twenty or more mounts in the air flying around in a swarm to take out demons and destroy Legion towers, but I have to echo that sentiment. The big fights on the ground with people piloting vehicles and swarms of players dragging down demons is also pretty awesome.

It isn’t flawless. The tuning is weird, the graveyards really needed better adjusting so that you don’t end up an entire zone away from the action. And while I love Helcular to bits at this point I groan every time I see a Tarren Mill Invasion because I know I’m going to end up getting murdered by the guards half the time I go there. But overall, yeah, I’m really enjoying this event. Add in the unfolding questline involving Dalaran and the mystery of the sandwich board jerks, and I’m dying to see what happens in the next week or so. Remember, Legion is almost here.

Have you been enjoying this pre-launch event?

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