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Discussion > WoWSep 8, 2016 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Quality of life improvements

Legion has been very well thought out in a number of aspects. In Highmountain I went into a cave randomly, looked down a chasm, saw a bridge down there and jumped down on to it. It led nowhere, it was merely ornamental, but at one end of it was a teleport item to get me back up to the top of the cave. Thanks for thinking of me devs!

However, there are one or two other improvements I would like to suggest.

First and foremost would be a no-mount zone around Class Hall mission tables. Both the Monk and the Druid Class Halls have their mission tables outdoors which means players can check on them while mounted. On their Grand Mammoth mounts. Or their dragon mounts. Or their humongous, table-blocking mount of choice. Please, Blizzard, I know it’s just a little quality of life improvement, but can you make it so anyone within 10 feet of the table get autodismounted? That would be grand.

Second, give players on profession quests who are still leveling and don’t have all the flight paths discovered an easier way to get to zones. While I was pursuing my Highmountain Pillar, my Leatherworking pattern quests wanted me to go into the depths of Stormheim and Val’sharah. I could ride through zones to get there, but my time is better spent elsewhere so it would have been great if I would at least have received a flight point somewhere in those zones.

These are quibbles, honestly and I’ve been enjoying Legion immensely so far. But with patch 7.1 looming, the devs have a chance to make small fixes. So what little quality of life improvements would you like to see?



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