Are you excited for yet another weekly rollover, or not?

Ah, Mondays. The weekly grind for most begins now. After a fun-filled weekend, kids go back to school and adults go back to work. Ho hum.
Blizzard’s weekly grind arrives exactly when it intends to, on Tuesday. We’ll get a new Tavern Brawl in Hearthstone. There would also be a new Overwatch Brawl to try, if we didn’t have the Halloween event going on right now. We post every week with heroes available for free in Heroes of the Storm, and there’s a new Brawl mode there now, too. World of Warcraft is the granddaddy of weekly resets with raids, Mythic dungeons, bonus events, PVP, weekly quests and more being reset every week on Tuesday.
Typed out like that, it seems overwhelming. Looking at which of these things I’ve actually finished on Monday — uh, yep, overwhelming.
This week, I played a couple Heroes brawls, but not enough to earn the portrait rewards, and I own most Heroes now so I’m not frantically trying to grind them to five before reset. In WoW, I’ll get a +2 keystone chest in my class hall, but other than that I rolled a big fat goose egg this week. I didn’t even run old raids to fill out my transmog and finish some of those Raiding With Leashes achievements I’m missing. I’m not all that excited about the bonus holidays swapping off either.
To be fair, most of my time right now is taken up with BlizzCon prep, so I don’t have a ton of extra time to game. I’ve been using the Legion app to plan, just hitting the stuff I really need to do, which leaves out a lot of my usual weekly grind. I don’t really raid, so I’m not champing at the bit for another go through the Emerald Nightmare. I’m excited to Return to Karazhan of course, but that’s pretty out of the ordinary.
Do you have something special to look forward to in Blizzard’s weekly grind, or do you, like me, just have a case of the Mondays?
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