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News > WoWApr 4, 2017 3:55 pm CT

Legion Assaults are now live in WoW

If you’re working on Broken Isles Pathfinder Part Two (come on, you are) you’ll be relieved to know that you can start working on Defender of the Broken Isles. That achievement is earned by completing all of the new Legion Assaults, which are now live on NA servers. The first Assault is in Azsuna and will last six hours, after which it will rotate to a new zone.

First up, go to the Broken Shore and talk to Maiev Shadowsong who has a quest for you to defend the Broken Isles from the Legion’s counterattack. In order to earn the achievement you’ll have to go to each of the four leveling zones — Azsuna, Stormheim, Highmountain, and Val’Sharah — while those zones are undergoing a Legion Assault, and defend the zone until you’ve defeated the Legion.

The Assault essentially replaces the normal World Quests in the area with new ones that are similar to the pre-expansion Invasions that hit zones in the old world. You complete four World Quests, then defend a specific part of the zone, and finally progress to a three player scenario that wraps up the event. Completing the Assault gets you a chunk of rep with the Armies of Legionfall — 1500 rep to be precise — as well as 225 Nethershards for normal Assault World Quests, 350 Nethershards for Elite ones, and 250 for the final scenario to complete the zone. Right now everything’s dying pretty quickly as players swarm Assaults, so it’s an easy way to pick up shards and rep.

While Assaults are currently rotating every six hours, the speed will ramp up over time (just like the pre-expansion invasions). So keep an eye out for them in the weeks to come, especially if you’re trying to farm up Nethershards or rep up with the Armies of Legionfall.

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