What the pros are playing in Hearthstone’s Journey to Un’goro

Hearthstone‘s Journey to Un’goro expansion has been out for almost a day now. This is one of the best times to play the game as there’s no established decks. Everyone’s in the process of experimenting and exploring new cards. If you’re not sure what to play, let’s check out what some of the pros are using right now.
Thijs’ Quest Murloc Shaman
This goes against every fiber of my being, but we’ll open with Murloc Shaman first. It’s largely centered around the new Shaman quest card, Unite the Murlocs. The one featured here is Thijs’ list. It’s the one I’ve been using and I’ve found it both fun and effective so far. It seems to be one of the few decks that can almost go toe to toe against the Questing Rogue deck. You’re playing a purely aggressive deck, aiming to complete your quest as soon as possible by dumping Murlocs on the board as fast as you can. When your hand is nearly empty, you can slam down Megafin and replenish the board.
I hate myself for playing it.
- 1 x Lightning Bolt
- 2 x Murloc Warleader
- 1 x Bloodlust
- 2 x Bluegill Warrior
- 2 x Murloc Tidehunter
- 2 x Flametongue Totem
- 2 x Murloc Tidecaller
- 2 x Coldlight Seer
- 1 x Grimscale Oracle
- 1 x Bilefin Tidehunter
- 2 x Maelstrom Portal
- 1 x Finja, the Flying Star
- 2 x Call in the Finishers
- 1 x Gentle Megasaur
- 1 x Golakka Crawler
- 1 x Unite the Murlocs
- 2 x Primalfin Lookout
- 1 x Spirit Echo
- 2 x Rockpool Hunter
- 1 x Primalfin Totem
APXVOID Tempo Mage Season 37
Tempo Mage took a big hit with the lost of Flamewaker. But check out APXVoid’s list below. He subs in the Arcanologist and Mirror Entity package with the intent of dropping them before key turns (maybe to catch a turn 6 Savannah Highmane or a turn 8 Tirion Fordring). Get the opponent low enough and then finish them off with an Antonidas-branded Fireball. The two Burgly Bully are a nice touch as the generated coins from those can feed into Antonidas later in the game.
- 2 x Sorcerer’s Apprentice
- 2 x Mirror Image
- 1 x Flamestrike
- 2 x Frostbolt
- 1 x Archmage Antonidas
- 2 x Mana Wyrm
- 2 x Water Elemental
- 1 x Acolyte of Pain
- 2 x Arcane Intellect
- 2 x Fireball
- 1 x Bloodmage Thalnos
- 2 x Mirror Entity
- 2 x Arcane Missiles
- 2 x Firelands Portal
- 2 x Burgly Bully
- 2 x Arcanologist
- 2 x Primordial Glyph
Dog’s Rank 1 Legend Quest Rogue!
This deck seems to be the king of the pack right now. I vastly underestimated how easy it would be activate The Caverns Below. Between Shadowstep, Youthful Brewmaster, and Gadgetzan Ferryman, it can consistently activate the quest around the turn 4 or turn 5 mark. What you can also do is if your Mimic Pod catches a minion like Novice Engineer, it counts as an additional copy. This deck is pretty crazy.
- 1 x Edwin VanCleef
- 2 x Stonetusk Boar
- 2 x Southsea Deckhand
- 2 x Youthful Brewmaster
- 2 x Preparation
- 2 x Fan of Knives
- 2 x Eviscerate
- 2 x Novice Engineer
- 2 x Backstab
- 2 x Violet Teacher
- 2 x Shadowstep
- 1 x Moroes
- 2 x Swashburglar
- 1 x Patches the Pirate
- 2 x Gadgetzan Ferryman
- 1 x The Caverns Below
- 2 x Mimic Pod
Amaz Awaken the Makers Deathrattle Priest Season 37
Amaz has put together a neat Deathrattle Priest deck with Awaken the Makers. Another variant involves adding Mistress of Mixtures for added longevity and survival as well as Defender of Argus to help activate the Devilsaur Eggs. Warning: This one’s expensive to craft if you don’t already have some of the legendaries already.
- 2 x Shadow Word: Pain
- 2 x Loot Hoarder
- 2 x Power Word: Shield
- 1 x Cairne Bloodhoof
- 1 x Bloodmage Thalnos
- 2 x Shadow Word: Death
- 1 x N’Zoth, the Corruptor
- 2 x Shifting Shade
- 2 x Dragonfire Potion
- 1 x Awaken the Makers
- 2 x Tortollan Shellraiser
- 1 x Elise the Trailblazer
- 2 x Crystalline Oracle
- 2 x Curious Glimmerroot
- 2 x Mirage Caller
- 1 x Spiritsinger Umbra
- 2 x Volatile Elemental
- 2 x Devilsaur Egg
Chakki Living Mana Token Druid Season 37
Jade Druid didn’t lose much other than Raven Idol, Living Roots, and Brann Bronzebeard in the conversion to Year of the Mammoth, but token Druid can be another viable option going forward. This Druid list features the new Tortollan Forage and relies on Power of the Wild or Savage Roar to help finish off your opponent. The Finja package comes into play here as it can help fill up your side of the board with some much needed Murlocs.
- 2 x Power of the Wild
- 2 x Murloc Warleader
- 2 x Bluegill Warrior
- 2 x Savage Roar
- 2 x Bloodsail Corsair
- 2 x Argent Squire
- 2 x Defender of Argus
- 2 x Innervate
- 1 x Patches the Pirate
- 1 x Finja, the Flying Star
- 2 x Mark of the Lotus
- 2 x Fire Fly
- 2 x Living Mana
- 2 x Ravasaur Runt
- 2 x Tortollan Forager
- 2 x Eggnapper
I’ll explore some of the other new decks in upcoming weeks in more detail. For now, if you’re looking to play something new, why not give some of these a try? Alternatively, feel free to share the decks that you’ve trying out that might not have been on this list.
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