Has WoW gotten too grindy?

I finally hit Artifact level 51 tonight, looked at my Artifact and realized I needed another 500 million Artifact Power to get my first Concordance of the Legionfall level.
And then I logged off.
Because hoo boy, that’s a grind I can wait until tomorrow to start. I’m not even going to pretend that, after I ground Legionfall to exalted, ground all the Nethershards for my gear, ground Emissary chests until I got my Legendary pants, and hit every single Artifact Power WQ I could find that I was in any mood to even play. And it’s not that I don’t like any of these elements of WoW so much as I just feel like everything breaks down into two things: restricted grinds where I can only do so much at any given time, like the Legionfall War Supplies or Artifact Power acquisition, and endless grinds like hitting up the Sentinax. Don’t even get me started on the climb to Prestige Ranks, where I would literally have to grind my way to Level 50 just to hit the next Prestige Rank, and then level to 50 all over again.
I mean, I started playing in Vanilla. I am no stranger to grinds. But when I realize I will be needing half a billion of anything, I start to get the shakes. So again I ask — do you think WoW has gotten too grindy?
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