Method claims World First Avatar kill, Mythic Kil’jaeden up for grabs

Last week, Method downed the Fallen Avatar in Mythic Tomb of Sargeras (warning, NSFW language in this kill video) to claim a World First kill, and now all eyes turn to Kil’jaeden, who has officially stayed up the longest of any Mythic end-boss since Al’Akir back in Cataclysm.
The Avatar kill came on July 4th after some 453 pulls, and apparently, according to both Method and Exorsus (another guild in the chase). Some tuning issues have slowed down this race to World First. Our own Rachelle Riddle pointed out that the usual strategy of gearing the DPS first — rather than tanks and healers — to make the fights shorter didn’t work as well on Avatar and thus many guilds struggled on him. The hotfix that reduced Shadowy Blades down to 5 from 7 didn’t benefit Method, but may have helped other guilds get past the Avatar and begin work on Kil’jaeden.
Don’t expect Killy-J to take nearly as long as the Windlord did, though — as Method points out on their TOS progression page, Al’Akir lasted 42 days before someone finally killed him, but with 7 guilds working on Kil’jaeden with three weeks worth of Mythic raid gear and several nerfs to the encounter it’s exceedingly likely that someone will take him down in the next week or two.
Some argue that Kil’jaeden has lasted as long as he has because the encounter is a touch overtuned at present, but even if that’s so, with the World First race squarely fixed on the Deceiver it’s not likely he’ll get much further than Archimonde did back in Warlords — although he has already exceeded that unworthy in terms of how long it took to kill him.
Here’s the kill video, again, it’s not safe for work.
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