What helps you keep up with everything added to WoW?

It’s not too hard to see that World of Warcraft’s patch 7.3 added a lot of new content to the game. Obviously, the big deal is Argus and its three zones — which, combined with all of the new World Quests they bring with them, is a lot all its own. But 7.3 didn’t just bring Argus and the related story content with it; it brought a heck of a lot more.
New mounts? Check. New battle pets? Check. New profession items and ranks to farm? Check. Were all these things on Argus, it would still be a lot to handle… but they’re not. There’s a new mount from the Darkmoon Faire, the new riddle mount, some PVP mounts, Antorus mounts, and so on.
But then, there are also all the new pets from the Raiding With Leashes V achievement (you know, on top of the ones across Argus and the one from the new Gnomeregan trainer). I admit, I don’t actually know where all of them drop yet, because I haven’t had a second to breathe and really examine where I need to be spending my pet-farming time.
I guess what I’m getting at is, between pets and mounts alone (the two big ones for me), it’s too much to keep track of all on my own. Without Simple Armory, I’d be totally lost when it came to keeping track of which mounts I need and where they come from. For the RWL achievements, I tend to open Wowhead in another window.
But it wasn’t until recently that I started using the Rematch addon to save pet teams for fighting trainers — there are just too many on Argus to remember which team I used for which pet boss. And after using it, I wish I’d had it much longer. It helps so much with swapping teams in and out without the trial-and-error approach I’d been using.
So, long-windedness aside, I want to know what addons, websites, spreadsheets, or other resources you use to help keep track of WoW’s ever-expanding collectibles and upgrades. What’s your secret to remembering it all?
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