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WoWSep 20, 2017 12:30 pm CT

Brewfest 2017: Once again, I will fail at Ram Riding

It’s Brewfest again, and I once again have an opportunity to display to the world that I am utter rubbish at riding a ram around while trying to complete a task. I really don’t get enough opportunities to humiliate myself in front of people. Why would I do this to myself again? Because I need prize tokens. Prize tokens to let me buy pretty clothes and a whole assortment of battle pets. I still don’t have the Wolpertinger, and the Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm is adorable. I hadn’t seen the Stout Alemental until now, but trust me, you’re going to wind up riding around on a surly ram a lot until you have one.

You can run Coren Direbrew and you don’t need to be max level anymore, either. The gear he drops scales up to 880 for max-level players, but players as low as level 46 can participate for scaled-down version.. You also get a chance at the Swift Brewfest Ram or Great Brewfest Kodo on your first daily kill per character. In other words, a lot of you are going to be dragging every single alt you have through Direbrew for a chance at a sweet sweet mount. The gear itself consists of trinkets which could be of use to you if you’re having bad luck in that slot, and weapons that will be of more use to you if you’re below 100 or just want the cosmetic look. Still no caster weapon — sorry, your time was back during the Midsummer Fire Festival.

As for the rest of the holiday, it’s fairly unchanged. Get Brewfest Prize Tokens for stuff like ram riding, your daily Direbrew kill, and daily quests. You can use the tokens to buy cosmetic garments (which you can apparently transmog to for the duration of Brewfest), up to six toys, and three battle pets. The toys are:

If you want those, it’ll cost you 800 Brewfest Prize Tokens in total.

So yes, Brewfest is here again. Once again, we kill Coren over and over again while he refuses to drop a mount. Once again, we ride around Orgrimmar or Ironforge, confused as to what the path is and cursing at how cute that Wolpertinger is. Once again, my friends.

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